Around the World Forever
So I am still in Santa Marta and actually have somewhat of a routine here seeing as how I am employed and all. My one year anniversary of leaving the US sort of came and went with out too much fanfare and I am now officially into year two of my Walkabout. And similar to my long stay in Leon, Nicaragua, I don't get many new things to report and I don't take as many pictures. Therefore, updates are fewer and farther between.
So I wouldn't say I am actually "slaving" away as the title of this entry suggests, but I do have a schedule to keep. In the evening, I try to get to bed by whenever because I have to get up whenever the next morning. I like to have a leisurely breakfast, being sure not to rush into the day too quickly. Sometimes I go for a swim in the ocean before returning for lunch and preparing for my two classes in the afternoon where my mind floats between the present progressive and past participle tenses and bounces around direct and indirect object pronouns; things none of us have thought of since grade school. Things have quieted down somewhat here in Santa Marta as it's the tourist low season and there are fewer crazy Europeans and Israelis running around to stir things up. However, it's a cool place to call home for a while and I love that I am on a first name basis with all the hotel staff, local shopkeepers and restaurant owners. Colombians are by far the friendliest bunch I've met in my travels and although most of them are quite poor, they seem happy. I don't have much of a plan for the future. All I know for certain is that I have to leave the country again by June 13. I will try to include some photos with individual stories as well.
Well, as I am writing this sentence, 4 days have passed since I began this entry and had it "under construction". My favorite internet cafe for uploading pictures has all their machines out for maintenance and I was waiting for them to come back on-line. I decided to stop waiting and post pictures later.
Well, my favorite internet place no longer exists ... out of business. But I found a new place so pix are now posted. Nothing special, but something til I get moving again in about a month.
So I wouldn't say I am actually "slaving" away as the title of this entry suggests, but I do have a schedule to keep. In the evening, I try to get to bed by whenever because I have to get up whenever the next morning. I like to have a leisurely breakfast, being sure not to rush into the day too quickly. Sometimes I go for a swim in the ocean before returning for lunch and preparing for my two classes in the afternoon where my mind floats between the present progressive and past participle tenses and bounces around direct and indirect object pronouns; things none of us have thought of since grade school. Things have quieted down somewhat here in Santa Marta as it's the tourist low season and there are fewer crazy Europeans and Israelis running around to stir things up. However, it's a cool place to call home for a while and I love that I am on a first name basis with all the hotel staff, local shopkeepers and restaurant owners. Colombians are by far the friendliest bunch I've met in my travels and although most of them are quite poor, they seem happy. I don't have much of a plan for the future. All I know for certain is that I have to leave the country again by June 13. I will try to include some photos with individual stories as well.
Well, as I am writing this sentence, 4 days have passed since I began this entry and had it "under construction". My favorite internet cafe for uploading pictures has all their machines out for maintenance and I was waiting for them to come back on-line. I decided to stop waiting and post pictures later.
Well, my favorite internet place no longer exists ... out of business. But I found a new place so pix are now posted. Nothing special, but something til I get moving again in about a month.
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