We've been home for about a week and a half now, and I can't count how many times we've been asked "So, how was it?" It seems a perfectly logical question to ask someone who you haven't seen in half a year, and yet how do you go about summing up an experience like this? It was fun, difficult, educational, frustrating, eye-opening, beautiful, relaxing, energizing, the trip of a lifetime, and more than words could ever explain. We feel incredibly blessed to have been able to do what we did.
More than anything, this trip taught us the value of travel. We feel more strongly than ever, that EVERYBODY should go SOMEWHERE. There is so much to be learned from other cultures, other ways of life, other points of view. We challenge anyone who has read this blog to go on, get out there, escape our little American bubble and see the world...even if it's two weeks at a time! We guarantee you'll never regret it!
Some people have implied that it must be hard coming home after so long. It has definitely been an adjustment, but it's funny how the simplest things will bring back a memory. For example, this morning I was washing my hands in our bathroom and it reminded me of the bathroom in our Melbourne hostel. That may seem strange, but it conjured up the feelings of excitement and anticipation I felt at the beginning of a new day in a new place. It felt good. That's why I chose the picture I did for this blog. It's not a sunset. It's a sunrise. One exciting part of our life has come to a close, but we will carry those memories with us forever as we embark on the next life adventure!
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