The adventures of Jon and Jecs!
Hello every1! The picture is of some hot springs we went to visit on our cool dude magic bus! its pretty much a tour bus for young uns- is full og germans but is fun and get to see all the good sights& meet strange Dutch man with a funny accent but very nice. We are getting annoyed with spending money so we are off on fridaY to stay with a family on their farm in Marlborough sounds which are these remotw islands a t the top of the south island. Cant wait will be cleaning and gardening but in a very pituresque landscape and all 4 free! will be so cool we are going out to a welsh bar 2nite 2 celebrate. Last week we have been in rotorua which was so smelly!thanks to all the sulphur in the hot lake or something. Next was Taupo which is by a lake as big as Singapore which we swam in and whilst in the lake we could see Mt Doom in the distance! Wanted to climb it but baD weather means we will have to wait untill we come back up the North island again. Having a brilliant time- getting a tan here when u r all frezzing ur bums off!love jecs
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