The adventures of Jon and Jecs!
Hello, we are back in Wellington, the capital and probably our favourite of all the NZ cities. We just visited our favourite bakery and had bacon and egg sandwhiches and a cake for exciting to spoil yourself!AND as it is raining we are going to see The Two Towers in the Embassy Theatre which is where the premiers were OH MY GOD I AM SO EXCITED I MIGHT WET MYSELF! Seeing as we have seen or been near loads of the locations, and met a bloke who was an elf in helms Deep!and it is the premier theatre i am really excited! Also we walking along the street, i was going on at joanne filling her in on what happened in the first Lord of the rings film, when we saw Cliff Curtis wandering down the other way to us. He is like the biggest NZ film star- in whals rider and River Queen etc and he is a lovely looking maori!oooo we were very stunned and just gawped in a very unattractive fashion. Never mind i doubt he will be asking us to a viewing of his new play here in Wellington then, ah well......anyway enough excited rambling about Wellington now i must tell you about Kaikoura a couple of days ago. THere is the premier spot for whale watching. It is very deep there and full of food so they always have whales around. We went out on a watch boat and saw 3 sperm whales! They were all full grown males up to about 60 TONNES! You can fit ur head in its blow hole cos its big enough...imagine that! So that was pretty amazing we are hopefully putting piccies up soon. We also saw about 400 dolphins playing and jumping and racing the boat it was incredible, we loved it! Only 10 days left in NZ now and we were very sad to leave the South Island as we have now...definately reccomend it as a holiday destination for anyone! jecsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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