The adventures of Jon and Jecs!
Hello from Tekapo-that rhymes by the way if you say it right! It is very pretty here, this lake is almost turquoise because of rock flour left behind by old galciers or sumink!It is very striking. Sometimes you can see Mt Cook (highest in nz) from here but you cant now cos it is cloudy-typical. The church in the picture is very famous down here and there about 2 weddings a day-we saw one there was bagpipes!ooo made us go very girly. Tomorrow we are going horse riding yay, around the lake. Since our last message we have been down to Queenstown and i did a bunji jump!was very very very funny-i swear the bloke pushed me off cos i didnt have the guts to jump. And it made my eyes almost pop out, and i screamed sooo loud i think i must have looked a little bit stupid. I have pictures so i will be able to relive the embarrassment for all your i am now a grown up brave lady for once.or just stupid i dunno. Anyway Christchurch and Kaikora are on the agenda in the next couple of days, will leave another note soon, Jecsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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