A friend of Patrick's told him about a place called Tempelhof Airport on the south side of town that you can walk around in so we decided to check it out today. It was used during the Berlin Airlift from 1948-49 and the main building used to be one of the largest buildings in the world but now the airport is closed and the land is being converted into a park. Patrick, Ugo, Roxanne and I rode the metro down and grabbed some drinks from a grocery store before we entered the airport. The place was huge and all over there were people walking and biking. We walked down the runway and found a good place to sit, so we popped open a bottle of champagne that Patrick brought and just relaxed. Some ominous dark clouds started moving in from the north after we were there for awhile and soon we could see the rain coming towards us so we started heading back down the runway. We caught the metro home and crashed in the bean bag chairs. Everyone was hanging around the hostel again so we decided to start up some drinking games to get the night going. A German guy staying at the hostel suggested a game called 7 and we ended up playing it for a couple hours. Sadly, Patrick was leaving tonight on a train so at around 11 we all said goodbye to him and he took off. But he lives in Vancouver which is like 2 hours away so I'm sure we'll see each other again! Now in Berlin, 1 am is when the party is just getting started so around that time a big group of us from the hostel headed for one of the top clubs in Berlin called Tresor. I've never been to a big club like this before so I didn't know what to expect when we arrived outside a huge warehouse. Immediately upon entering, you're met with a sensory overload. Huge crowds of people, DJs blasting techno music, lights flashing, costumed dancers on stages above everyone else, multiple stories of dance floors and bars. Any sense of time is erased. I danced the night away and by the time I had made it back to the hostel, it was 8 in the morning. Without a doubt, one of the best nights of my life.
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