When I awoke my new friends were already up and ready for the day. I grabbed a quick breakfast and then we went out to see the town. Our first stop was the Museumquarter, but we settled for walking around the grounds and marveling at a giant sand sculpture someone constructed outside instead of paying for any of the expensive museums. We crossed the street to Maria Theresien Platz and decided to visit the free Kunsthistorisches Museum. The next couple hours were spent looking at room upon room of sculptures, tapestries and various other art pieces from all over the world. By the time we reached the massive paintings section, I was already exhausted and ended up falling asleep on one of the couches while admiring one of the gigantic pieces by Rubens. When we couldn't handle looking at another piece of art, we grabbed some food from the street vendors and headed over to Hofburg Palace. I showed Josh and Thomas the anti-gravity coin trick that Sarfas had wowed me with back in Paris and we were more fascinated with practicing this trick than paying attention to our surroundings as we walked around. The nice weather turned into a torrential downpour so we tried to wait it out in the palace grounds. It eventually started to get worse so we made a run for it and were completely soaked by the time we took refuge in the National History Museum. We spent the next few hours looking at rocks, fossils, meteorites and animals and had only covered half of the fascinating museum before we decided to head back to the hostel (luckily the rain had subsided by then). We hung out there for awhile, practiced the coin trick some more and then got ready to go out for the night. We met two American girls, Anna and Laura, at the hostel and invited them to join us at this nearby jazz bar later. It turned out to be a pretty lame bar, but Josh and Thomas entertained me for the hour or so we spent there with their hilarious descriptions of the different accents in England. When Anna and Laura showed up, we all had another drink and then set off in search of someplace more exciting. My English friends have been trying McDonald's in every country on their trip to see which one has the best food so we grabbed a bite to eat there (a place I've been avoiding so far). Then we walked through town to a place called the Traveler's Bar which turned out to be my favorite bar on the trip. It was Laura's birthday so I asked the bartender for some birthday drinks and he delivered with a sparkler surrounded by shots. We all sang her happy birthday as the firework went off and then settled in a corner table. We spent the night chatting and drinking and meeting people at the bar and watching a group of guys get the "whole package" (which involved lighting a shot on fire in their mouth, this weird contraption called a snuff machine and a beer bong). We had such a great time and stayed until the bar closed before we eventually made our way home. A great night to end my stay in Vienna on!
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