Happy New Years for tonight!!! I´m spending here still in the amazing, incan north eastern argie, in a city situated near the jungley Andes, San Miguel de Tucumán. The Argentine new year is have a meal between 11pm-1am, lots of food, drink, celebrate the NY at the table, then start partying from 1am, go out, music, dance, get drunk etc... There is a big group of us in the hostel getting together for lots of fun, pictures I promise! Also I have several hundreds of photos to add from other adventures!
So, as Im not starting fun until about 11pm ish (damn Argentine timings, it is typical of any normal weekend or party night, not going out until 1 or 2am!)I hope to get onto the internet at `9pm ish my time (when nothings happening, and everyones still chilling watching tv etc...) which is midnight your time, to watch London and the UK live through the beeb or something for 5 minutes! Have a good´un!
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