April 2nd
Good Friday
Had a reasonable night last night and am all geared up for a day of sunbathing and Dr Tony Hill (Wire in the Blood) – it’s a good book that I can’t put down.
My German friends go home today, I will miss them a lot, they have been great company. Hope to stay in touch in the future. We have exchanged email addresses.
I decided to have all my washing done today so that I haven’t got to bend over doing it
at home, also not so embarrassing if I get the bags searched at customs!!
I saw the most amazing bird this morning – bright scarlet head and body with black wings and tail, according to the Collins bird guide it is a Vermillion Flycatcher. Absolutely stunning! Also saw a Red Naped Sapsucker yesterday – sounds weird but is a sort of woodpecker looking bird with a red head and neck.
These are things I would probably never have seen if I hadn’t been barred from riding.
The other day one of the smaller humming birds was in a bit of a dogfight with one of the bigger ones and he came into the conservatory where I was sat and couldn’t find the way out. I went over and gently picked him up. He weighed nothing, his heart was beating out of his chest, he was so scared and so beautiful with the most delicate long beak. I gently let him go outside and he flew off unharmed!
What a privilege! I have also taken it upon myself to rescue butterflies that get trapped inside the house, having come through the open windows. Soppy Git!!
The lady from Mexico City thinks I'm completely nuts! My spanish is very limited but I do manage 'vino blanco?' which always gets a smile and a 'por que non!' I think she is really nice. her husband speaks some English but unfortunately she doesn't.
Charades it is then!!
I have to have an injection today – liquid diclofenac and Vitamin B. Uschi will do it for me as she is diabetic and injects herself so knows what she is doing. Although she did say she was reluctant because everything goes wrong with me – Cheek!!
It has been very windy today so I have spent some of the afternoon in the conservatory watching the humming birds and finishing my book. I just picked up all my laundry, they were in a bit of a flap because they thought that they had lost one of my socks which of course had escaped the bag and was still in my bathroom.
They let the horses out into the garden again today, it is so nice to be able to walk
among them and watch them.
Just got trapped into having my injection, have to say it didn’t hurt as much as when the doctor did it! The last one will be just before I leave for the airport on Monday so that it will ease any discomfort on the flight. The orange painkillers are pretty good too but if I move wrong I can still feel the two parts of the bones scraping over each other. May not be able to do my outside painting next week as planned. I use the elastic strapping at night to keep everything in place but don’t bother with it in the day as it rides up into a sausage shape and is really annoying.
It’s a beautiful evening and I am sat here with a glass of wine, although I haven’t been riding as much as I had hoped I am feeling very relaxed and enjoying the opportunity to catch up on my reading – a book a day! Don’t worry Wendy I am bringing Tony Hill home for you to read when we go to Turkey.
More of the same tomorrow I think but I may stretch my legs and go for a bit of a walk in the morning. However with it being Easter who knows what may happen, there may be a surprise or two lined up.
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