After the lovely sunset last night it was a surprise to wake up to thick fog, so it was time to sample the delights of the laundrette and do the first washing of the trip. A couple of hours later the fog had lifted and the remaining washing was hanging on Javelin's guard rails drying whilst we climbed the hill to the shops and super market.
A leisurely lunch followed before setting off on the short trip to Roscoff. There was no wind and we motored the whole way. We then heard a securite on the radio for a zodiac rib close to Roscoff in front of us. For those who have followed previous Javelin adventures you can sense an adventure about to happen. Having tried to help on the radio without success, we continued on before spying the rib. The rib was motoring a full speed in a tight circle with nobody on board with a smaller police rib in attendance. The tried several times unsuccessfully to snag the propellor as we went past. We continued into Roscoff to be met by a brand new marina full of single handed racing yachts bedecked in flags. This is the Figaro single handed race over multiple legs. They had come from Plymouth and the next leg starts on Sunday to Sable d'Olonne.
We walked into town for dinner and the I watched England beaten in a bar before returning to Javelin depressed by the result.
- comments
Sue Excellent blog, sorry about the football results!