Right where to start the written of this may go a bit down hill half way through but we shall see should be interesting. So this is where it starts was rocking round london on my own waiting for matt pretty standard but eventually got the coach on the way to the dam.
We didnt realise that we booked with it was like a coach from the fools and horses set with my knees on my chin and also some gangsters in the back playing mario cart money and scooby where loving it, then with the bernard manning air con on my face this really was a s*** coach although found it pretty entertaining that the angry mum didnt seem that bothered when the movie played was expendables so we sat there watching john rambo and his boys blow chunks out of other people the 6 year old girl loved it although with this so did the spanish man next to me waking me up with a excited shout of "Rambo" when we blew someones face off. Thing is young english lad didnt find this guy that funny as when explaining in a desperate state about his as asthma "rambo" response was so this is my chair and sent the lad to the fron to sit hangging out the window actually this k*** then also stole my seat for gotabout that in which i got stuck next to a guy who looks like the guy who sang chocolate rain snoring right by my face!
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