We rock up and find our way to the hostel which seems to be full of 16 year olds drinking at the bar fair doos good luck to them if they are getting served but we head up and ko thinking we will make an early start to it the next day. Needless to say we miss the guided tour but decide to do our own which we head down to the harbour and then up a church spire was pretty cool although killed my legs duno why thought i was propper fit.
When we got back we decide we should probably sort out the next place to stay but it sems that there is no where whats so ever and then eventually find that there is place in paris and that there is limited coach spaces available so we run round on the s bhan (underground) and manage to book our place.
after all this we head back and find that we have some room mates joey and josh and they tell us how they got stung on the night out previously although with a bit of persuading we convince them that its a good shout to go back out again on this pub crawl. we grab some drinks and get on it although supprise supprise we miss our bar craw so decide to make our own. We decide to get each others drinks and shots at one point the round consisted of 8 jagers for jager bombs between the 4 of us.
Btw the area that we went to is know as the Reeperbhan which is pretty cool but dont get luredinto the strip clubs or if you do be very carefull as ya could end up paying a fourtune i didnt but just a heads up. So asn ya do though we asked for a sneak preveiw was ok but nothing grand.
there was also another bar that seemed to have a famous transvestite as its brand face although didnt know who she was.
we also ended up in a sex shop pretty much sword fighting with the toys how grown up lol
a few more bars where hit and then we end up in a petrol station now the thing is with most of europe it seems like you can buy drinks and drink them anywhere so we see these mega beers which where 10% and a litre which to be honest pretty much killed the night.
Although opn the way had a German chav teach us some phrases which obviously wasnt what he said so we taught him some english slang so he now thinks that in london say pony is a good think.
We wake up hung over as and catch our coach to paris.
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