Getting to Guatemala was an adventure in itself, what we thought would be a simple 8 hour shuttle ride was 13 hours, two buses and a tiny boat that broke down half way across a lake, all the while with a group of rather rude Israelis. Granted, the unexpected boat ride was actually our own fault, when the driver asked who was going to Panajachel we were the only two with our hands up so we quickly lowered them again and followed the crowd since we had no idea one way or the other.
It turned out San Pedro was the right choice, we had a hostel right on the water front, we were with a big group of people we had met along the way and we were able to do some pretty fun day trips including hiking up volcanos and kayaking on the crater lake, Lake Atitlan. The one big problem with San Pedro was the afternoon rains. Like clockwork, every afternoon was sure to bring tropical rains so we had to make sure we got up early and did everything we wanted for the day before lunch.
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