So, the good news is have made it to Laos. The not so good news is that I only made it as far as crossing the river border from Thailand to Huangsay before collapsing dramatically in a heap during the tour guide's lengthy "welcome to Laos" speech. Turns out I have food poisoning again, yay (ironic). I actually went to hospital today as the indication of almost fainting again after 24 hours sleep and vomiting copiously was that I was no better. I had a couple of guides who acted as translators and we have worked out there is nothing seriously wrong with me, in any case they tested me for Malaria and that came back negative. Medical services appear to be very cheap in Laos. When I got my bill I made sure to ask for a receipt before realising the amount converted to four pounds, including check-up, blood tests and medication. I have learnt so far that Lao people are very kind and hospitable as the tour guide has a team of helpers shipping me back and forth to the hospital and gave me a strong talking to when I attempted to embark on a ten hour boat journey yesterday after my fainting episode, "I feel better now I've fainted" I protested. So I'm now shacked up in a guesthouse which miraculously has internet down the road and a multitude of restaurants where I can indulge my sick diet of rice and coke. My guesthouse is bright, airy and clean (unlike the place I stayed the night before last in Thailand) and optimistically has a water heater in the bathroom, which has, alas, produced no hot water. When I asked about this I was told "I am sorry, we have very little water today and no hot" and when I asked whether there would be hot water tomorrow I got a sceptical look and a "maybe". The temperature here is very cold for Asia, the locals go around in jeans and jackets, and I'm just about comfortable in shorts and T-shirt, so a cold shower is not very welcome at the moment.
So that was a nice bit of drama to begin my time in Laos, and I have been prescribed bed-rest, steamed rice and antibiotics to aid my recovery. Hopefully I will feel a bit better tomorrow so be able to write more. I am feeling better this afternoon and my headache and stiff neck (I was convinced at one point in the night I had Meningitis) have abated. The general consensus is I fainted from dehydration. I also have a twisted ankle from landing in a heap awkwardly so I am hobbling around looking very sorry for myself.
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