Still alive and well! Thoroughly enjoying the sun, sand and sea! Went to Mbweni beach just south of stone town for my first sunbathing session since I got here - some of the medical students who're here with Work the World live there. It was cool but not really in comparison to Kendwa where we went for the 'Sauti za Busara' beach party.
It was absolutely awesome even if there was too much random music like Barbie girl and an awful lot of Akon, Rihanna, and Madonna! The locals seemed like the music though so it was all good.
Managed to break my superdry flip-flops today which I'm pretty gutted about but I have some lovely replacements which were over-priced and yet again I'm sure I've been ripped off!
Anytime I say to anyone I'm here for 5 weeks, they ask where I'm working. I say at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital (it actually means 'one coconut hospital' - random i think) and they always seem to have some problem that I'm expected to diagnose and treat on the spot! I don't like the attention anymore and actually it's becoming tiresome.
Really that's my only complaint though apart from the fact that I'm pretty burnt on my shoulders, face (especially the ears), and legs as a consequence of exceeding my daily limit of 15 minutes of sun-time... even with factor 50 ultra caked on my body! Good thing I've got aftersun with me as it costs an absolute fortune over here... along with most things that tourists have forgotten to take with them! Ciao for now! x
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