Jamie and Marc Conquer the World!
Friday the 6th of June
We arrived safe and well in Mendoza, after a very memorable journey over the Andes. We had a long walk from the bus station to our hostel (Hostel Alamo)
It was late by the time we booked in so we decided to grab a bite to eat. We were both very excited to finally be in Argentina and the thought of a steak was making our mouths water....MMmmmm The guy on reception advised us of a nice restaurant around the corner. We both rocked up in our travelling clothes as didn't realise how nice the restaurant was going to be. It appeared really posh however the prices were really cheap. We ended up having some lovely Malbec wine, a steak with all the trimmings and some bread, we love how you get nice bread with every meal in Argentina. The steaks were delicious, really big cuts, no fat and cooked to perfection! The whole meal cost us around 15 pounds....Bobby Bingo! After out dinner we found a quaint Argentinian pub and sipped on a few more vinos before hitting the sack.
Saturday 7th of June
We woke up at 9.45am just in time for Breakfast which finished at 10am. The lady serving brekkie appeared to have a bit of an attitude, she was clearing the buffet table and didn't like the fact that we were there STRANGE? We still insisted on getting breakfast as it wasn't even 10am yet. After brekkie we had a wander around Mendoza and visited a few of the plazas, Mendoza is know as the city of good wine and sun. The Independencia Square which consists of the four squares - España, Italia, Chile and San Martin. The sun was shining, but it still felt a bit chilly for us. We stopped off at the Plaza Independencia for some coffee, before heading off to the post office. The post office was meant to close at 1pm, it was now 12.30pm and the doors were closed? We know that a siesta is common in Argentina and other parts of South America, however closing EARLY, what is all that about?? We took a walk around some of the sights, before deciding we were hungry again. Our day seemed to be getting worse instead of better, we traipsed the streets for a good hour before finding some where to eat, it was only 3pm yet EVERYWHERE was shutting up for Siesta. We couldn't quite understand as we were informed that most eateries close from 4pm till 7pm ish?? By the time we found somewhere, I swear I could have eaten a horse, but instead we opted for a cow, as we ate our first of many lommitos (steak sandwich).
That evening we went to the night market in the plaza, there were so many nice things, I fell in love with an AMAZING coconut bag, but Marc put his foot down and said it would probably break by the time we got home. Boo Hoo...
We went back to the hostel empty handed, oh apart from a couple of beers for Mr Gentles. Back at the hostel we got chatting to a lovely couple from America, we sat up with them for a few hours, then the girl announce that she had to go to bed, Marc and I were like its only midnight, which she replied "no its 1am", WHAT?? It took a few moments but we soon realised that there was a time difference between leaving Santiago and arriving in Mendoza....Ha ha ha, no one had informed us so we had been on Chile time for two days. Things were starting to make sense, no wonder the lady was annoyed at us for demanding brekkie....It was really 10.45am, also the post office being shut and not being able to eat at 3pm, DUH what a couple of fools. Very very funny though.
Sunday 8th of June
We checked out of the hostel and had breakfast, this time without any funny comments of looks! We took the local bus to the Parque San Martin, this is a massive area built in the year 1897. There are lots of monumental, historical things to see as well as a football stadium, Greek Opera House, Lakes, Sports facilities and A Zoo. We took a tour of the grounds and stayed there for most of the day.
For dinner we had Asado (Asado is a traditional Argentinian BBQ, where they cook various cuts of meat, chicken and offal), the Argentinian Asado really puts the Australian BBQ to shame. It was a fantastic eat all you can BBQ with lots of salad and even desert, it cost about 5 pounds per person, oh and we even got black pudding, yum yum!!
Now that we had full bellys, it was time to get our stuff from the hostel and catch our bus to Buenos Airies. Riverplate had won the football league just as we caught our taxi and the streets were bustling, everyone was going MAD, fireworks, tooting cars and lots of red and white paper filled the streets. It was brilliant to see, and thankfully we had given ourselves plenty of time to get to the bus station!
We booked our bus though a company called "Cata", we were not sure what to expect as we had heard a lot of negative things about buses in South America. We board the bus at 8pm and were not disappointed. We had full cama leather seats and a TV each, Marc and I could not contain ourselves, woo hoo. It turned out to be a superb 13 hour bus journey, great food, choice of 6 films, champagne, coffee/tea, and cake, as the seats reclined into beds it also meant a good nights sleep. As we came closer to BA we were given a nice healthy breakfast, lots of bread, crackers, chocolate and some Dulce de leche (milk candy, found as both a sauce and a caramel candy, very popular in Argentina, it reminded us of condensed milk thats been part heated, the Argentinians eat it bu the bucket load) and a nice cup of tea. The Argentinians have a real sweet tooth, this was going to become even more apparent as we arrived in the wonderful capital of Argentina, Buenos Airies.
More to come from Argentina very soon,
Love Jamie and Marc xxx
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