me again...just to say thank you, have just raided your i tunes for my trailwalker shuffle - highlights include I know him so well, colours of the wind and toxic!!
Lovin' it!! Lovin you! x
So nearly all of the Off exploring gang's football teams had a good weekend - Phew!
There is a holiday feeling in the air! The parentals are off to Lisbon this afternoon and I've reunited myself with my summer clothes and have them all spread out on the bed as I plan my day of shopping for my trip! Karl has got his backpack out and I got laughed at when I asked if we could put it in the washing machine! I have been warned several times by many family members to pack light (especially Dad who is awaiting his West Wing DVD set!)
Adele was great last night, she did a lot of acoustic numbers just her on the guitar and had a bit of banter with the audience. Glad you are feeling better James. Hope you are enjoying Cambodia.
Lots of love xxxx
Manor Court Rd Crew!
Hi from all here, Rois you missed a ladies walk yesterday - me, Claire, CG and mum did 5 miles along the canal to a pub near Cov! James, you missed the boys fry-up, reading the papers and a tense Karl watching the last day of the Championship! Leicester were relegated - poor Richard! Dad texted him to see how he was and he replied saying Noreen had him on suicide watch!!! There was a point where if Leicester scored they would have been safe but it would have relegated Cov - and Leicester had 8 mins of injury time - it was painful!
Me and the C-moss went to see Adele last night - she was really good!
Think that's all for now, everyone sends their love x x x
Bengeo Moles
Hi to both of you - its Star Wars day today, May the 4th be with you...
Was at a fantastic game today at St Marys - five goals, a sending off, a pitch invasion & the Saints stayed in the Championship! Chris & Richard well, although Chris a little hung over! Watford have made the play-offs by one goal difference over Wolves. Lee was at Blackpol & so will give you a quick match report I imagine.
Mum pleased to speak to you today, glad you're feeling better James.
Take care of yourselves.
Hi Rois and James, thank you for your message, we had a great night, the place rocked and the boys did me proud, matt had a U2 song for your dad rois, so he and i had a bop, it was a great surprise to see Claire and Jim, as you know your mom and i have a treat ahead of us, take care keep safe Anne xx
James, I hope you are feeling beter and got off to Cambodia without having to detour to a doc. Let us know.Also, what's the drink in the 'Yum' pics? Granny Leahy sends her love, as does DadBrian and me xxx
I've just watched the monkey video and was so scared by the noise as my pc was on full volume - at first I thought why the hell is there a siren going off but is that actually the monkeys making that noise?!? Crazy stuff. Oh, and loving the tailored clothes, brilliant. x
Hey guys, sorry it's been a while - for some reason this thing stopped sending me emails telling me you'd been busy on here so when I casually checked just now (casually?! odd choice of adverb me thinks but it's done now) it seems you have been busy bees indeed!
Seeing more photos and reading more blogs means I'm starting to miss you more and more! Even starting to sway in the way of coming to Australia in September even though I know it's a lot of money to spend - aaaaah what to do??! Will see how much I get paid for the job I've hopefully got over summer working and living at a language summer school for foreign kids near home in fleetwood. According to the website the dining hall is Harry Potteresque, most exciting!
My days and nights are pretty much spent with either working, thinking about work, or feeling guilty for not working, you miss it right!?! 9am has become a lie in, life is sad. On the upside I've just made a delightful chilli and cleaned the fridge (incidentally, Susie wins the prize for mingingest shelf and Brad the prize for the cleanest. However, I win the biggest prize for having to clean the damn thing). Yes, the conclusion to all this is that my life has become very sad! BRING ON THE END OF EXAMS!! lol. Only 5 weeks to go.
Can't think of anything else to share with you, other than I miss and love you, can't imagine how immense it will be when we are finally reunited again and that I hope you continue to have an awesome time.
LOVE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Guys! Just read your blog and seen all your amazing pictures! Can't watch the vids because i appear to have no sound at work, but will watch later! All your stories are definitly making more and more tempted to go travelling!
Mole, i'm checking out the new weatherspoons tonight with Dan and his friends from belgium, so i will get back to you if there is any friday night controversy!
Dan's operation is on the 15th May, so can't wait for him to be all better :o)
Hope you got my facebook message with my address in etc.
Take care both of you!
love Sarah
Hello Rois & James.
Your photos, videos and latest blog where brilliant. Vietnam looks so beautiful and the shot of the shoe shop nearly made me fall off my chair!!!! Rois your blog was fab, feel like i have travelled with you so far and am having alittle history lesson at the same time!!
Claire is so excited to see you, i will be giveing her a little card to bring from me for you and also a big hug!
Miss you loads, take care and keep having fun
Lots of Love
Natalie xxx
Wow. Your latest photos are so interesting. I felt quite emotional looking at them. I would have loved that trip, so much history. Thanks for all the info with each photo. Getting ready for the bank holiday here. Niamh & Ed are coming to stay tonight. Karl is rustling up a three course meal so we're looking forward to that. Then we've got a certain someone's party tomorrow night! Keep safe and keep the phots coming - they are so good. Love you xx
Hi James (and Rois),
Thought i would send you a footy related post. Don't know how much you have kept up on (but i hear that you can get the 3.00 Saturday games!!Heaven!) well.... the Fulham boys could still stay up!! Not deserved but hey ho. We have Birmingham at home on Saturday then Pompy next weekend! Andy and Brenda say hi and hope you are both enjoying yourselves. Andy has set me the job of cutting paper up for the pompy game and Sarah has ordered balloons to hand out to people who sit around us! Went to the Reading game and Voltzy was sitting behind us. I told Sarah to beat up his girlfriend and get in with Voltzy. Andy just gave him a wink and a nod (like he had known him all his life!! What a guy!)
Jimbo has handed in his final year project and only has exams left. He is still thinking of setting up his own business with this 'mystery investor'. The boy will never cease to amaze me, but they both send their love!
Anyway hope you both okay. Looked at the pics of the jeans etc. Love the winter coat Mole! Classic purchase that!