We've travelled most of today (2 hours by car, 7 hours by train) but has been a good day. Went to the site of the My Lai Massacre in the morning -a very emotional and beautiful place. Have found nice hotel here in Nha Trang for the next two nights (practically on the beach) and have just had a gorgeous dinner (well, my fresh tuna steak topped with cheese and bacon, with white wine jus was way better than James small bowl of pasta ... but that's done now!) Will get blogging in the next few days. If only we could find somewhere we didn't like in Vietnam, we'd be able to spend more time telling you how wonderful it is here!
Love and miss you all xxxx
ps. James tried to think of a 'ps' regarding the football situation (i.e. Watford), but there are no words.
Old Moles
Morning to you both........Mum & I very pleased to speak to you yesterday James, Grace sorry she missed out. All sounds good - all those new clothes.........and a (cheap) romantic dinner watching the football eh Rois?!!
Another miserable morning on the fotball front (Mal the same I should think - definitely a pen though!); I said I was concerned about Watford didn't I. Watford fan's summary as written in the Observer - 'Watford were truly diabolical. Their switchboard will be red hot. A visit to the dentist is less painful than watching us. We played like a bunch of numpties again. You couldn't tell which team were already relegated. They left the field to a cacophony of boos.' Nothing else to be said really, no doubt Lee will give you his view. One stat that says a lot - Horns goal diff +6, WBA +31!!
Here ends cathartic blog. One positive is later today going to speak to Chris about S'ton who play WBA away tomorrow, but one negative as Leeds are definitely in the play-offs now!
Take care, do everything, love to you both,
Bengeo Moles
Guys! It looks like you're having a fabulous time - Hanoi looks amazing and I bet the museums must be so interesting! Ahh - jealous!!
Miss you lots, but don't miss you as much when I see how wonderfully tanned and healthy and happy you look! Glad to see you with your drink from us in Goa - keep it up - when's the next one due?!
Love you both lots xxx
granted it took me a while to get it, but your gunna have to do better mole. i shall email you during the weekend bruv x
Too easy, Madonna! Very good though, it was quite cryptic!
Rockbuster in return....
"Right......well..... 3 5 7 and 9 have pulled a rabbit out of the hat"
Hope all is well by the way, send an email!
Give our love to people on Sunday.
right mole, rockbuster:
"well, went into the kebab shop last night, it was going completely crazy!"
Emma W
Hi guys! Only just logged on to your blogs as I lost the address and kept forgetting to ask Claire for it when I went into the office!
Your pics are fabulous - I'm soooooo jealous!
My only request - if you remember (and I will keep harassing you until you do!) when you get to Australia - go to Melbourne and get Toady from Neighbours' autograph! Or just Toady himself, I don't mind either way lol
Miss you loads - the office is a lot quieter without you!
Forder, at last!!!! Will be in touch in more detail soon. For now, it's definitely 'whale', as in huge proportions I think. Not wail. Defo. xxx
ps. Please ignore forthcoming postcard-based slagging regarding your website attendance. We stand corrected.
Bradley 'brad' Forder
Temple of Literature.
That's awesome.
That's just awesome.
It seems like you're both having a wail (Is that right? Surely it's not whale? Thoughts, comments?) of a time. Many an evening at 26 Crookes road has been spent bemonaing our lack of being in Vietnam. They have TEMPLES of literature. They also seem to have amusing hats. Two of the most important ingredients for happiness right there at your fingertips. That's probably why there's a lot of smiling going on in the photographs.
Thinking of you both :-)
Take care x x x x x x x x x
Hi guys,
You're picture are amazing. It sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Like Claire I was excited to hear about your brilliant Disney buy!! All the wedding plans are going well- I've got my dress now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! V.exciting!! Miss you so much Rois. It really isnt the same without you in the admin office.
Take care both. Love Marian xx
Greetings earthlings!!
How's Vietnam? Rois - loving the 5 in the bed story from the bus - were you tempted to sing 'Roll Over, Roll Over' (who fell out?!!) It's like when we used to stay at the Dohertys and we'd all stay in Emma and Edel's room!! Also loving your purchase of West Wing - will be borrowing that from daddio!
Hope you are enjoying yourselves - no news here. Ed has a nasty tummy bug and was up all night throwing up - in the 7 years we've been together Ed has never thrown up - he has a constitution of steel so he is feeling pretty dreadful - left him with lucazade a plenty. Apart from that, have no news!
Love you both, safe travels x x x
Chris And Karin
Is there a way to leave comments on the photo's? There are such much needed witty jibes to be had and some of them!
Going back 10 messages or so, not too sure what Grace was suggesting about my restaurant picking skills. It's a fine establishment and she will be eating her words along with her truffle infused scallops and fillet mignon washed down with a robust 1974 Chateau Patros.
Or egg and chips.....
Saints lost as well this weekend. Your pal Lee is very optomistic, I always thought that being the better team and losing was a bad thing but what would I know I support Saints.
You look like you're having an excellent time anyway which is great, loving the tan lines - though Jim you are beating Rois there, so Rois I think it's time to break out the vegetable oil!