Hi all! Glad you enjoyed it all George - there will be much more on here once we head off travelling again. Niamh, loved the proverb - too true hey. Uni lot - so good to chat (to some of you!) I was loving the beach photos on facebook!
On that note, work has now blocked my access to hotmail and facebook :-(
SO if you send us emails via this website - either write on the message board, or click on the tab to send us an email, I'll still be able to keep in touch during the day (well, during the night for you guys!) It's just, with not being able to check the emails until our evening - I'm already a day behind!!
Hope all is well and sunny. Lots of love and missing xxxx
Hello! sat here with harriet, dave, aga and lee - we've just been looking at your photos and we miss you lots. It was lovely to speak to you Rois - James, please could you work less awkward times then we can speak to you one day?!? lol. Just about to go out and see the sea in the village, wish you were here. Love xxx
Please ignore the last line of that message... im such a plonker, i wrote that sentance out twice and forgot to delete it! i'm annoyed because my message now looks scruffy. arrghh.
take care xxxxx
Rois and James, i have just had the most wonderful afternoon reading your blog. No really, at one point i laughed out loud and almost choked on my chewing gum when breathing in... it was scary!! i'm glad your having such an amazing time. I literally cant believe all the things you've done. Goa looks amazing (i'd love to go there one day), as does Thialand. It must've been so lovely to catch up with Claire during your travels. I love the story of Mongoo, and the 'pigeon microwave' caption had me in stiches!
All's not too bad with me, finished my nursing degree and have been running a million miles away from anything 'nurse related' ever since! Have been applying for jobs and am hoping to get a post at the ministry of justice. Just admin duties and similar stuff until i figure out what i really wana do!
Anywayz, i'm going to finish looking at your pics, wishing i was there! Travelling is deffo a priority though, and i've certainly drawn inspiration from reading all about yours.
Take care both, have a wonderful time
Lots of love, George xxxxxxxxxxx
i'm going to go and finish looking at all your photo's. It's been love
Pa Mole
Hi Both,
Great photos, cant say I'm jealous of the Neighbours thing, but know (not understand) how excited you will have been.
All well here, take care, love from us.......
We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home.
-- Australian Aboriginal ProverbMiss you x
Neighbours guys...actual neighbours! Paul and lyn, could i be any more jealous?! Thats settled it. I'm going to ramsay street!
Your photos are great, and show what a very happy time you're having. Makes me want to jump on a plane right now!
lots of love xxxx
Richard & Judith
Hello both......
Just a quick message as I haven't written for ages. Looks like you are both enjoying yourselves. I know we had a good time in Melbourne. It will warm up soon I'm sure.
All the best.....
R & J
Ma Mole
Hi Both Here I am back in grey blighty after an unexpectedly long trip to sunshine land. Grace's ear has made me appreciate cool air and rain! This probably makes little sense to your readers but you'll grasp the essence. loved Claire's photos from Oz. Good to see pics of your abode and james' place of work. Think I saw a bicycle in the background of the kitchen shot - ouch! Grace B and M attracted at least one strange male in Spain. Doubtless GM will fill you in. Just say 'Sam' to her to trigger the response. None of us is eating for the next week to try to undo some of the damage done by the all-you-can-eat breakfasts and dinners at the hotel! Went to the Alhambra in Grenada-very lovely and very hot! Great news James...I can now swim with my head fully in the water and do sort-of handstands in the pool!!!! Its taken a while but I got there-a lesson for life. Gdad is back home enjoying (!) Granny's close attention. Grace and I will be trying to get over to them in the near future. Keep well and in touch.Love Mum/Bernie XXXX
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening - Hope that you are both well and having fun!
Sorry for lack of news from this Hornet Hotline but its been quiet up until last weeks news that DeMerit, Smithy, McAnuff and The Sh*t must be sold to balance the books so says Watford Observer - Club responsed and are taking legal action(its all a mess mate, who do you believe?).
Great deal for Henderson eh.....4 year contract. Looks like we are gonna sign Souleyman Ivory Coast defender from Dunfermline to replace Oh Danny Boy when he eventually goes......he could not agree on personal terms, personal terms = I want more dosh I think.
Jon Harley left back signed on free from Burnley. He said at his press conference "I am delighted to move back south and James Mole will be less nervous at games with me at left back instead of JS."
I went to London Masters at Wembley Arena two weeks ago, we made it to final but unfortunately lost 3 -1 to West Ham. Andy Hessenthaler was named player of tournament.
We drew 1-1 with Brentford on Saturday, Smithy scored. Harley played as did Gareth Williams and De La Cruz(ex-Villa I think!!).
We play MK Dons tomorrow Wednesday 30th July and Barnet on Saturday 2nd August - I will post you results when I obtain them.
Mind How You Both Go. Cheers Lee
Hello you two from a very tired but happy graduate! Graduation was the most perfect day ever - i honestly can't think of any way it could have been better. (well actually, it's just occured to me that if the group was all there graduating with me it would have been so immense that I'm kinda glad you weren't cos I might have imploded or something, and that wouldn't have been fun.) As you can probably tell I'm getting a bit hysterical with tiredness - was in sheffied thursday-sat and then went straight from shef to Laura's new house for a bbq and night out in Lancaster - so i am absolutely shattered. Would love to talk to you properly and tell you all about it - so if there's a good time that I may be awake do ring, or I can ring you? xxxxx
Morning one and all, I'm writing this on the back of some delicious home cooked pancakes with sugar lemon and ice cream. Happy times. Just turned on Australian TV to find a hyperactive Yorkshireman telling us how gardening at home can solve the difficult times we live in and how we should put compost on our muesli. Weird times.
Life is all good here in Melbourne, we're both working pretty hard, I unfortunately had my bike stolen yesterday which is a bit of a choker as it was borrowed from the people whose room we're in. Haven't yet spoken to them about it, not really looking forward to that phone call. On a happier note, Rois' work in the corporate accountancy world has produced a real result as she was given free tickets to the AFL (Aussie rules football) game this afternoon. I'll be supporting Carlton and Rois is going for the Western Bulldogs. Carlton's a district of Melbourne and we haven't yet worked out what the 'Western' in their name is west of so maybe that'll become clear today.
That's about all of our news I think, we're just getting on with things and enjoying it a huge amount. We're going to a quiz on Tuesday when we're almost certainly going to win a trip for two to Tasmania. So that's good. Don't really want to discuss real football as Watford appear to be selling everyone that's ever played at the club and we lost a friendly to Wealdstone (???!!!) the other night. Glad to be away from all that.
Thankyouy all for the messages, keep them coming and I'll try and get better than rubbish at keeping in touch. Love to all, see some of you soon.....!