As the end of our Christmas Day draws nigh I take a look into the sky To see a star that you may have seen On your NZ Christmas that has just been
So although the miles say we are apart You are right here in all our hearts Lets smile at all the Christmases gone by And enjoy this special one with Jedi!
Love you. Meri Kirihimete xx
Lots of Christmas love to Rois, James & Jedi!
YAY! A VERY Merry Christmas everyone!!! Thanks so much for all the messages - they've made us happy little bunnies. But let's not faff around here, there's a competition afoot, in the form of a quiz... here I go ...
1. C H R I S T M A S 2. False?! No True. (I don't like them?!) I'll go with True. 3. On the feast of Stephen (Seimi!) 4. Bright. 5. True ..?! 6. East 17 (wow) 7. On a midnight clear? 8. There wasn't a number?- just wise men. 9. Err, FALSE .. did anyone say true to that one?! 10. I don't know, 8? 11. 30ish. I'm going to go with 33. 12. Harsh. But I believe it's Hallelujah by the X Factor winner who's apparently into Beyonce! 13. 25th December 14. This question is beyond me, but I'm hoping it won't bring my grades down.
Fingers crossed! Merry Christmas all of you. Thank you for your company over these past months -let's keep it up in the new year! Love love love to you all. God bless, enjoy yourselves, xxxxxxxxx
Hello One and All and Merry Christmas!
We're halfway through Christmas Day already over here, it's a strange one this year but we've just paid Jesus a visit so a slight return to normality. As a special Christmas gift to us all the priest giving mass had a coughing fit and had to cut the sermon short - a Christmas miracle indeed.
I'm going to give Ed's quiz a go:
1. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S (yesss!!!)
2. Maybe??!!!
3. Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh.... on the feast of Steeeeephen....
4. white? Shocking if that's wrong
5. Legal, but should be illegal, they're pretty awful.
6. The one and only East 17. It's magical when the bells kick in at the end....
7. What?
8. 3
9. Good question, pretty sure that's a fact, they should have booked ahead or gone to a la James and Rois.
10. I'll hedge my bets as I honestly have no idea and I'll go for 8.
11. 30ish? Too young man.
12. Simon Cowell and the one that won X Factor
13. December 25th
14. We reckon that question needs rephrasing, but I reckon the answer is: 'The Virgin Mary'
How did I do? Full marks I assume, put the priceless drawing in the post, James mole, Care of Jedi, New Zealand.
Have a wonderful Chrstmas everyone, have a good new year and see you all in March!
Much love, James
O'domhnaills & Mum & Dad
Just approaching Christmas Day in Donegal but aware that your Christmas Day is nearly over!!! Just had lovely dinner at Lough view and hope that your Christmas sandwiches worked out good and you found a good beach to enjoy it on!
Have a wonderful New Zealnd Christmas - we all love and miss you XXXX
Simon, Lucy & Jacob
Wishing you both a very merry christmas and a happy new year! See you in a few months.
Love Si, Lu & Jacob
PS- We liked the Jacob's River sign!!
Hey, I have just had a marathon catch up with your travels, as it has been a while since I've had a computer for long enough to enjoy your wonderful stories and pics! It all look so amazing and exciting, and I only wish that I could of got my plans together earlier to of joined the aussie reunion! Wanted to wish you both a very happy christmas and send lots of love all the way to new zealand!xxxxxxx
Tara Daniel Nikita &lauren
happy christmas Roisin & James ....have a great time and enjoy ..take care both of you xoxo Tara Daniel Nikita lauren xox
Granny Mcg & The Doherty's
Hi Roisin and James
Roisin, firstly a message on behalf of Granny! I have just been down there and she asked if I would write you a short message from her. She has been looking to come up here to send one for ages but we didn't get a chance. She'll be up for her Christmas dinner tomorrow so hopefully we'll get her on-line then! But in the meantime she would like to wish you both a very happy and holy Christmas. God bless you both and she says to tell you she prays for you every night! She's looking forward to seeing you home soon. She's waiting on your Mum and Dad at the minute aswell!
A very happy christmas also from all the Doherty's! We're all enjoying keeping up to date with all your travels. New Zealand sounds brilliant and looks gorgeous. You seem to be having a great time there. Well done on the gliding. Rather you than me! John is having a great time aswell.
Well, we hope you have a great Christmas Day and keep enjoying yourselves. You won't forget this one in a hurry! Safe journey to your next destination and we'll chat soon
Happy Christmas
The Doherty's, Fahan xxx
Merry Christmas both!
Great to speak to you this morning! Here is the festive quiz as promised:
1. How do you spell 'Christmas'?
2. True or false: mince pies currently contain mince meat.
3. According to the famous hymn, upon what did good king wenceslas look out?
4. Complete the missing word: silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is WHAT?
5. True or false: it is illegal to eat a mince pie on Christmas day in the UK?
6. Which famous eastend hatted chav quartet pleaded with their loved ones to 'stay another day' at christmas time?
7. According to the carol, how did Bethlehem appear?
8. How many wise men in the Biblical account?
9. True or false: when Christ was born, there was no room in the inn due to it being the Christmas season - a very busy time
10. How many maids are milking in the Christmas song?
11. How old was Jesus when he was killed?
12. What's the Christmas number one in the UK this year? Artsit and song please!
13. What is the date of Christmas Day?
14. On what date in a calendar year would a person's birthday always next year?
Good luck both. No googling allowed. If you answer all answers correctly, you will qualify for the star prize: a special festive drawing, valued at £312.88 (by me).
Happy Christmas !
Hi Rois & James,
Happy Christmas Eve to you both from Portugal.Having a great week-no gliding or rafting here just totally chilling.Weather good here too-very strange listening to Christmas music in the Sunshine.Much more relaxed approach to Christmas-no 24 hour supermarkets & outdoor lights-just Christmas carols & nativity scenes-very refreshing...
Must sign off as someone else is waiting.Happy hols to you both & all other bloggers too...
Love & miss you
Chi &
Mum & Dad Mcg
Happy Christmas Eve Roisin and James!
Just been over to Fosse Park for bit of last minute shopping, then met up with Claire and Karl for nice italian meal and car swapping. Leaving for airport tomorrow about 10am so hoping we can phone you at the Duxton before that?? Text us tel no and room no when you check in and best time to phone.
Was watching loads of people sending greetings from Sydney on GMTV this morning - no sign of Ash and Harriet!!
Love and miss you loads XXXXX
Hi Guys, got your card, thanks very much. Here's wishing you a happy Christmas, from us all. Cheers!