JLa & NCo on Tour - Bali to Goa (via Everest)
Flores in Figures - an epic 8 day trip across the crazy island of Flores came to an end today when we flew back to civilisation in Bali. The combination of immense volcanic geography, some wild journeys, lovely people and what must surely be the best rice and bananas this side of Lombok, made for a truly unforgettable week.
And how else to present it but in our Flores in Figures Countdown:
- 1600 metres up Mount Kelimutu at 4am on the back of 2 mopeds to a stunning sunrise over its 3 coloured lakes
- 1436 eggs perfectly balanced on the back 2 seats of our 3rd bus (believe us - we had time to count and double count)
- 1420 meters up Mount Egon - a spitting, snarling, steaming and sulphur belching volcano. It last dumped its contents on 20km of the island in 2008. The local village and its 600 inhabitants were evacuated three days ago (its amazing what you find out on the way down a volcano) but our guide was still happy to make the trip - $4 for a days work was clearly a calculated risk, on his part at least
- 600km of travel around mudslides on the serpertine-like Flores "highway"
- 392 pictures lost from our memory card - user error or mechanical failure is still to be determined - our photo album this week will be kindly sponsored by Google Images
- 60 metres dived - along a gorge in the sea wall that opened up during the 1992 earthquake and subsequent tsunami (there's a theme emerging here)
- 42 large Bintang
- 32 hours of travel (do the maths with the 600 above - rapid it was not)
- 24 rice dishes
- 17 bananas
- 12 traditional houses in a little-visited village that we rather liked (see upcoming blog (oh - what a hook))
- 8 days
- 7 bemos (buses - but think more fun-sized school minibuses)
- 6 plates of papaya completely untouched by Nicola
- 5 pre-5:30am starts - and who said that we were on holiday?
- 4 ojeks (motorbikes)
- 4 feet
- 3 draw-dropping sunsets
- 3.1mm added to the beard (based on the average of 4 seperate measurements against a baseline of 21st May)
- 2 punctures
- 2 floating sheds (boats)
- 2 few days
- 2 too many Germans (sorry Toni - miss you!x)
- 1 flying machine (plane)
- 0 M&S picnic platters, with little pork pies, cold meats, cheese, salads, a selection of seafood and a bottle of chilled Chablis, no matter how much we wished for it.
- comments
BigTittyCowGirl 42/8 = 5.25 a day Weak.
Alex Good rate of beard growth. Strong.
Charlie Bear Please elaborate on these "draw-dropping sunsets"