Day 2 of the trek!!
We are a woken, well for most of the group they were a woken a number of times during the night by dogs and cockrels, not keeping to the rules and only making noise at 7 o'clock or so like films and cartoons may suggest they do!! Anyway, we were a woken at around 7.30ish from our small single mattresses, in one large room containing us all. We had tea on the fire, and after a little break, a breakfast of scrambled egg with chopped vegetables and toast. The showers, as experienced the night before were, sparringly used, simply to wet ones hair or something, the plan was to have our proper washes at the water fall we were to stop at at lunch time.
We set off down the other side of the mountain/hill that we had climbed the day before, with some steep sections giving us our first fallers early on. The walk flattened out after the intial 20 minutes and while walking along the a small road, rarly used, other than by the tribes, who (just like you'd expect from a traditional, Thai, Chinese, Taiwanese, Myanmarese!!! tribe would do) have gained themselves mopeds!!!! Some members of the group spotted a snake, neither of us did, but we can at least say we were near one!!!
After short incline we saw another tribe village, of the above mentioned ancestory, most were illegal imigrants we're told, but the children were extremely cute so I think we'll let them off! We stopped here for around 20 minutes, we'd been walking for around 50 minutes at this point, and to be honest not at any point had I felt I needed a rest even though this was the second one, I can't speak for the others on that point however, mainly because I'm not in control of their bodily functions, but also because I don't know their opinions!!!
We then walked for around an hour ups, downs and flats, but still much easier than the day before, before we got to the water fall we were to stop for lunch at. It was much smaller than we had hoped, so no jumping in fromt he top or any of those picture perfect moments. But it was big enough for all of us, well excepting the dutchies (who had decided once again to seperate themselves from the group) to get in and under the power of the water dropping. One photo shows the sheer pain in my face as I wait for a group photo to be taken!!! The water was freezing, well it was when you got in but you soon got used to it. After a bathe, I'll call it, we got a small amount of sun tanning going on a log, before lunch was ready. Noodle soup (I nearly wrote soap then, that can't be nice) and our purchased coca-colas (If you haven't got the idea from small comments such as this, these are traditional tribes, or camping treks, with shop in the villages, not what you'd call a 7-11 but, still stocking you cokes and crisps!!!)
After lunch we got some more walking done, stopping at a smaller water fall for a small amount of time. We were all enjoying more I think, well I was. The walking was easier, we'd spent a day with and a fun night together already, and all was honky dorey, except......The big rift that seemed to be occurring between the dutch women and the Brits and Irish. Three times she told, Jade, Sophie and a group including myself and Sophie along with other to be quiet so she could see animals. I have a couple of points to convay on the subject before judgements are made. We were talking, normal volume, no louder, we along with hundreds of other take part in these treks as part of way of meeting people, some of the members of the group struggled with the trekking and used talking as their escape, and if, as the dutch couple clearly wanted to be alone with the guide, they should have freaking paid for a private trek.
The nights 'camp' wasn't as nice as the first and was stuck in a small valley or revene meaning the views were, well basically no exsistent. However the hut was basically the same, ands their was a fire and tables so it was nice enough. The night was basically the same up to dinner as the first. Although the Thai Whiskey was lacking and card games were gaining (does that make sense??) well I mean we played cards!!! After dinner we sat by the fire as Jungle boy as he called himself (one of the guides, a 17 year old tribesman, keen on his Bob Marley as he liked to call it (Cannibis)) cut out and carved us all cups from shoots of bamboo. The next few hours were spent doing that really, talking about all sorts. At, what seemed like a very late hour people started making a move for bed, this about 2 hours after the dutchies had gone to bed....and I bet you can't guess the time it was....9.30, 9.30 some people decided they couldn't go to bed at that time simply down to principle. I wasn't in that group I just wasn't tied enough, Jade seemed to be on the same level. But by about 10.15, after Jungle Boy had finally finished my cup in his extremely stoned state that we all decided to go to bed. My attempts at speeding up the cup making weren't too successful, I think I removed about two millimetre squares from the top!!!
Sleeping was much the same as the previous night, but with mosiquito covers, that had huge holes in covering the matresses that were this time double instead of singles. The dogs and chickens were to be as bigger a nusanous as the previous night, although at least this time there wasn't to be another loud tourist group in the same village as there had been the night before. I'm told they were singing 'tears in heaven' by Eric Clapton for hours on end with out ever hitting the correct lyrics, I was unaware due to the magic of an apple music listening device, I believe they call an Ipod.
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