We're back online!!! After a few days in the wilderness of real life we've got our selves back to an internet cafe, I know you've been missing us and I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but once again I must start with the disclaimer that spelling and gramatics (I'm lead to believe , by a computer not even set to operate in English that this isn't a word, and that real gives you an idea of why other spelling are off) may not be perfect, but you try writing everything you've done in a day in less than 20Bahts worth of time and see how you feel!! OOh yeah a second disclaimer! These next few blogs are a couple of days late and so some minor details maybe forgotten, my deepest apologizes if this is the case, said with tongue in cheek, all the way!!!
The first wall I hit is how we got to Lopburi, hold on, I'll just check with my partner here! Aha, the train of course, there it is. Ok so we were up at a reasonable hour in the morning to get the train to move on to our next destination, if we didn't hear of many people going to Ayutthaya, I'd heard of less that were going to Lopburi, which both a excited me, and scared me a tiny bit. So, anyway we got a 3rd class train again, the cheapest!! we avoided the wooden seats of previous though a got a padded one, hopwever it happened to be opposite the most French people you a likely to meet. The women a thirty something, braless, combat style dress wearing, hairy pitted, deep french accent speaking, dark, bushy eyebrowed lady!!! With a much older, with a fantastic bushy white and grey moustache, and nineteen sixties swirl patterned vest/waist coat type garment, very short shorts, and an inability to speak the English language. No doubt they were nice people, but if it was their aim to hit the British stereotype of an Artrist studio living couple from, an unidentified area of France, they got it right on!!
Anyway, Thailand, not the French is the purpose of this blog, and so it shall continue. When we got to Lopburi, we were straight away hit by the view of one of the ruins we were here to inspect, but we left that for a while heading in to 'Town', its only a small place! We found our selves a hotel, our room quite nicely have well, I'm retesent to say cable TV, it had a number of Thai channels, and Fox News, the most powerful name in news, is what I'm told by the adverts!! It kept me nicely up to date with the US Primaries taking place through the night, however if someone could fill me in on what actually happened in the end that would be helpful, I didn't get anything but that Huckabee dropped out!!! Gosh I'm a loser, anyway! We went and got lunch at a restaurant I'd spotted on the way to the hotel, and it turned out it was in the Lonely Planet as well, it seems I have a scent for the averagely good!!! The host of the restaurant was pleasant enough, and attempted to start up a few conversations but, in the end he was a bit of a hanger on, not really leaving us long enough to enjoy our meals, the highlight of which was their attempt at vegetable spring rolls, which turned out to be vegetables deep fried, which sounds obvious, but think about battering a carrot, or a piece of lettuce and you've got the idea!!
After lunch we headed off for the temples/ruins spread around the small town, some were lovely, but none really caught the imagination, other than that of the one inhabited by a pride, is it a pride??? of monkeys. They were sweet, and made for some good photos, but then as we were walking round one corner, one of them attacked from behind!! A smaller, more baby like one, I'm going to go for, teenager of a monkey attempted to steal my sunglasses out of my hanging hand, it scared me S***less. But straight afterwards gave us both a laugh at the noise I let out when he attempted it. He'd made his approach from behind, and even though I just about saw something out of the corner of my eye it was all about the shock!!
After being attacked, and then amused by some more of the monkeys terrorises the passenger of a parked car by walking all over it and generally be a nuisance, we took in a few more ruins and then Jade saw a new looking Wat she wanted to see, I walked in first, it looked as if we were coming in the back gate, and I was thinking through what I actually thought it was in my head, I came to the conclusion it was a school, but just as I hit that conclusion a dog started fairly aggressively barking at me,, the group of dogs he was with started getting interested!! Before I got myself in a situation of biting dogs I made a run for it, sissy like yes, but sensible also in my eyes anyway. So after a second shock for myself we walked on. Finding out the Grand palace was about to shut when we got there, we agreed to view it and the museum inside the next morning before the train at 10.30. So Jade came up with another Wat that we could go and view before calling it a day. We were searching for a little bit down small lanes, going passed a school with excitable kids going home. Then having not found the Wat we went down a small lane, on both sides small homes, mostly with pet dogs, there was a museum at the end which was clearly shutting, but we got a quick look before heading back up the lane. I spotted that one dog owner was holding there hound back, which put me on edge, but I didn't see from the other side, a small yappy b***** running out and confronting me, the small dog had its teeth out, growling, once again I S*** it, I mean I don't particularly want any rabies!!! I considered my options, thinking through how I would kick the dog away if it actually attacked, but also considering the owners reactions to my kicking. Luckily it didn't come down to that as it backed off and ran off, I must remind you, it was only me who got attacked on this day, of course Jade had a fantastic time laughing at my miss fortune as she strolled along unaffected!! Jade found her Wat after that, it wasn't worth Rabies, thats for sure. We headed back to the hotel a few roads away, with me still on edge, and now seeming to be scared by any dog presence!!! I watched some more Fox, IO think Jade got a bit frustrated with that and got me up and out again to look for the 'Stadium', what we found was basically a football pitch, some basketball courts and a running track, but the youths were out playing. We sat watching the 9 a side football matches. Jade was telling me I should ask to play, but once again I was bottling it, untill I finally got up the courage and was accepted, If I'm perfectly honest, I was the don, the Thais didn't know what to do with my speed or skill!!! When we finished me and Jade met back up, she had gone off and found another Buddha. We bought food for the Journey the next day and bought dinner, which was the most Western yet, the last Chicken roll from a shutting KFC, a couple of donuts and a big bottle of Coke from Tescos, which bought up a discussion about the Tesco plans in St. Albans, once again, yes I am a loser, Jade seems to just about be able to handle it!! ha
I 'm going to try the next one now, I'm not sure how far I'll get!!!
Ohh if my mum and dad could let me know by email if they've got my exam result yet it would be much appreciated , I can't email on this computer you see!!!
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