Hi Liz and Jack, Happy New Year tomorrow, Thanks for your message, we are not too bad, had a nice Christmas but too much food and drink, going for lunch tomorrow to your Mom and Dads.
They are here with us at the moment and send their love.
Have a great time, speak to you later.
Love from Nan and Grandad.
Joy And John
Hi there Jack and Liz, Happy new year to you both, and hope u r both fit and well! Your impending trip sounds fab, can't wait to hear about the islands trip and c your pix! On fri nite Laura and I and my Mom, Adams Mom and Auntie went to see Guys and Dolls at the Alexander in B'ham starring Bonnie Langford amongst others, and it was brill!(Altho we were well up in the Gods and I feared the onset of either a panick attack or vertigo, or worse both!!!) Anyway, as soon as the show started I was fine! I am in work this morning, so better close now, just to say thinking of u and have a fab time! By the way your Xmas card was bootiful, thanku xxx spk soon love us all xxx
Laura And Adam (And Joy And John)
Hiya both. hope your both ok and had a lovely christmas (sorry to hear you were missin everyone xmas day tho liz)! Baggies won 2-0 today against ipswich and wolves lost against colchester 2-1, we'r 5th and wolves are 10th now. Boro lost 2-1 to blackburn (sorry jack but u prob know these scores by the time u read this!) Liz your not missin much in the sales!! Me n Ad went to the bullring the other day-it was mad ppl were queing for the escalators!!! Hope you both enjoy your mini cruise and have a lovely new yr (many hours b4 we get it here!) take care. love us all. x x x
Lesley & Derek
Hi Liz & Jack
Merry Christmas to you both, hope you are not getting fed up with all that sunshine whilst we are having cold wet weather with fog!!
We will be thinking of you when we tuck in to the turkey and all the trimmings, just trying to make you envious Liz.(More sausage wrapped in bacon for us!!!!)
Jack your team won 2-0 against Charlton yesterday Baggies could only manage 2-2 draw against Plymouth.
Mom & Dad
Hello Jack and Liz
Just a note to wish you both a very happy Christmas. We've had out first Christmas game here, with the promise of many more over the next few days. Your Dad has us all lined up for a Cluedo league.He's also talking about some other weird and wonderful game idea taken from 'sorry I haven't a clue' ( Its a radio 4 programme, you've probably never heard it.)
Joe's been out to do his Christmas shopping this afternoon.I dropped him off in town at about 2.The town was due to close at 2.30, but he came back saying he was all done!
So as you can see not much has changed here.
It's weird you not being here and stranger still to think of you on a beach some where. I keep expecting you to pop in wearing that big black coat with Liz following behind with her thick wooly scarf and gloves. Benefits - it has saved us a bit of presnet wrapping time.
Sounds as if you're having a fabulous time.I'm looking forward to seeing the diving DVD.
We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and maybe speak ion the phone?! love to you both
hi to you both,
Home alone just now 'cept for Boris. Joe off up the Linney (Linny?), the two lovebirds out for a meal and Dave somewhere on the way home from the match. Christmas cake made and half iced, turkey bought, presents wrapped, nothin' to do but wish you were here! Don't think I have quite grasped that you wont be.
Elp and Meg arrive 2moro. Grandad and Margot off to Catherine's. Danny gets here late after a bar shift . Hope he arrives before Father Christmas does.
So BBQ on the beach. I hope you love it but not so much you want a repeat.
We enjoyed the diving DVD. Will pass it on to Dad. Yes box arrived and all well pleased; especially me, thank you. Everyone impressed with the planning and beauty of Lizzie's cards; 10/10.
Love you, Mum/ Ali
Computer sent e-mail before we checked it. Yes we've noticed the spelling errors!!!
Happy Christmas!!
It must be very strange cerlerbrating Christmas away from Middlesbrough. It's a bit odd knowing that we're not going to see you. Well things here are the same as ever. Town centre is busy, road are foggy and crap. Have a lovely Chrsitmas together we'll all be thing of you.
Lots of love
Jon says ' G'day jack and lizzy' hope your havin a Bonza time down under! You been out in the bush much? Have a Hotdog on Christmas day for me. 'Which one of us isn't getting you a Christmas present becuase your not here!!!! Think it'll have to be me! Keep an eye out for the crockodiles!
Charl say 'Hello, (Singing) We Wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'
Best Wishes
The Wrays
Dear Jack and Liz,
Just caught up with your last diary entries. But where is the account of your epic train/bus journey ? You must write it up before you forget all the hilarious details.
Your journal is now turning into a David Attenborough script. You are meeting - and eating - more varieties of animal than most of us have even heard of. But at least I suppose they are not meeting and eating you. I like the sound of the ‘fish eating crocodile with a pointed nose’. Brave fish. But who has the pointed nose - the fish or the crocodile ?
Elephant trekking sounds great. Not so sure about the elephant pot-holing. I think Liz was wise to stay outside. Have you seen any elephant football yet ? Apparently Scotland are world champions elephant polo. Maybe we should take up Elephant darts ?
A Night Zoo - what a great idea. You pay to get in and then you can’t see anything. If you turn the lights on everything hides. Are you quite sure you got your money’s worth ?
Meths have drawn the last two games. Is this the beginning of a revival ? Joe and Jon are playing on Sunday, so we might even score some goals. Don’t ask about the Boro. We could be seeing a lot of West Brom next season.
The grandfather-clock from Alderley is now here and tinging away every fifteen minutes. Geoff left it for Jack in his will, so we are looking after it until Jack has somewhere to put it.
Not Just a Game - the anthology of poems about sport I have spent the last two years editing - is now out, just in time to miss the Christmas rush. I will save you both a copy.
Christmas is going to be really weird without you two. Hope we can speak to you on Christmas Day. Enjoy yourselves. Don’t drink too many Nissan buckets. Best wishes from the land where it is always Christmas but it never snows…
Lots of love,
hello to Jackerius and Liz!!!!
How goes it over there? from the looks of things you are having a great time! Dig the photos with the yocals ha ha. Sorry that I havent been on before, took a while to find it until lois gave me the proper address.
Well mate, you would be soooo jealous if you saw the weather over here; while your basking in the heat we are having some kick ass frost, luckily i'm getting to lie in every morning and dont have to worry about defrosting the car. I could get quite used to having all this time off. Although i suppose playing on the xbox 360 and going out all the time will get old; especcially without my best mate by my side! Missing ya man.
Ive had loads of problems with regards to moving into my new abode, but i have been asured that i will be in just after the new year, cant wait!!
What else? Oh yea, suprised lois with a trip to leeds on saturday, stayed at the malmaison and went out to sticnkies peep house, it was an awsome night. Got back in around 6am and using my usual tactics managed to blag the heads of the poor receptionists for a number of hours! Oh what fun!
Well mate, i'm going to get going now but its nice to see both your mugs on the site, give me a ring if you get a chance at any point.
Speak to you both soon
I have just found this address, sorry, could have been reading up on your travels.Sounds like you are having a great time.3 more days before we break up from school.Yipee.Then I m off to Wales for New Year.Not quite as nice as where you are but it will have to do.Loook after yourselves, and Merry Christmas.Love Helen
Mom & Dad
Had email from James in NZ copy below:-
There are raging bush fires in SE of Aussie still at the moment. Even some more in Tasmania.
The fire smoke and ash is so great, that our sunsets here are a reddish brown, due to the smoke in the atmosphere.
This will give you some idea of the intensity of the fires.
80 NZ fire-fighters have gone over to Aussie to assist in the fight.
Hope Elizabeth stays out of the fire troubled areas.