We have been in Varkala for 5 nights now... a little longer than we wanted to stay, but we have been doing absolutely nothing here, and are even more tired for it! We've been getting up late, and just going to the beach and eating which is great! We took a cooking class last night which was nowhere near as good as the other ones. The kitchen was a bit gross, the veg not fresh and the people teaching were less than enthusiastic because they'd already done about 4 courses that day. At least this time we actually got to cook - most of it by candlelight because there was a powercut. There is a powercut in the whole place every night from 9.00pm to 9.30pm!
We eventually ate at 10.00 - the food was ok, but could've been better with a bit more time and nice ingredients! After that we went to meet some friends for a drink, which was a mistake as we were supposed to leave the next day and ended up going to bed at 3.30 and not getting up for the train! But we are definately leaving tomorrow... It's difficult though because it's nice doing nothing and the food here is delicious - we've had seafood every night! The bar we went to last night was hilarious, there were indian guys on the dance floor totally going for it, dancing all night long! We took a small video so everyone can see, it is so funny! Jess, Micaela and I got up to dance with them for a while, good fun but they have so much energy! Jack got down on the dancefloor too - but only because he was on his way to the toilet(duringthe powercut) with a head torch on his head, and as soon as he stepped on the dancefloor he slipped and fell on his arse! An Indian guy picked him up and started dancing with him, it was so funny! He said he wouldn't have felt so stupid if he didn't have the torch on his head!!
That night we also had the most amazing thunderstorm, it's so nice when you are looking over the cliffs to the water and see the lightening. So we are having a quiet one tonight, to make sure that we definately leave tomorrow! Heading to Kumily where there is a wildlife park, so should be good!
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