We arrived in Anjuna after a short ride there, and met up with another friend of Jack's friend called Amanda. We stayed at the hotel she was staying at and then headed down to the market. The market was pretty cool, it was huge and it was so hot. We cooled off with a drink and some lunch until it got a little later in the afternoon where the heat was bearable. We had to use our haggling skills a lot, they start their prices at the market really high! I looked at a top, and the guy said it was 750rupees! I said i didn't want it, and the price started going down. I don't think he realised that i actually didn't want it and he followed me, shouting the reduced price and wouldn't leave me alone! I eventually had to turn to him and say I. DONT. WANT. IT!! So he said i could have it for 200 rupees! I had to walk away quickly so he wouldn't follow me anymore!!! Jack got some good snaps of me haggling (we'll try and put pics on soon!! The computer i'm using, it looks like someone has stolen the CD drive, there's just a big hole where it used to be!). After the market, we met up with some friends at the shore bar on the beach to watch the sunset which was beautiful. We had a quiet night, as we were leaving the next day. See the Palolem blog! (i'm not going to leave it so long to write the blogs next time, it's tiring doing 4 in a row!!)
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