Rite, ive finally made it here. Both planes were delayed and i havent got my backpack, yes i'm without it already. Not too sure where its got to but im hoping its still in Heathrow and it will be on its way to me by tomorrw.
Bit of a nightmare sicne i didnt have anywhere to stay at the time so getting it sent tto me was goign to be difficult. Luckily the first three people i eyed up as potetnial friends were from halifax and so being the kind hearted yorkshire type said i could have my bag delivered to their place as they were all in teh same boat. Funnily enought, there was a group of about 10 of us all withotu rucksacks and all off the same two planes!
Anyway, its al turned out for the best since they even had airprot transfers so i just scabbed in with them and gave thebus driver 200 baht wich is about 3 squid. I gave their hotel a go but at 2000 baht it was a bit pricy, ive since found myself a nice little cell for 300 baht which i just cant wait to sleep in, however, ive only paid sinlge rate so 'no lady friend later, you understaaand?'
Bangkok itsself is pretty surreal, biggest city ive ever been in, there are just sky scrapers as far as you can see but its all really spread out. its looks smoggy but its actually fairly clean and all the streets are linde with trees.
enough of this, i need to go and actually do something so i have stuff to write about! plus, this keyboard and computer are a nightmare!
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