Samui in all honesty is a bit like being in spain, as i think i said, there are all the franchise stores down the main high street and its just in genreal a nasty tourist place! still, lots of fun to be had but im glad we only spent two nights there and i would rather have done something else! we didnt really do anything to tell as such, just more beach and mopre drinking which isnt really what im here for! i did manage to loose my thai phone while there thoug, it lasted a whoel two days! so f anyone sent a mesage after about 6pm your time on monday, it will be a thai barman that received it and not me!
i had a good laugh in samui but the music is all a bit rnd rice n pea for me. also, hypocritical as it may be since there are pictures of me with an iguana on my head, i really dont like it. its bloody cruel so the eagle, monkeys and snakes that kept getting draped over me just pissed me off, even if it is only 100baht for a picture, leave me alone!
sack the kebabs, or 'kebaps' its all about the free noodles on your way home from the bar. in an attempt to control my spending i kept going round the corner to the seven eleven to buy drinks and then just sneak them back in, half the price, score! but at the end i lost everyone so just went home. i got stopped by a group of girls and lady boys, on a corner again funnily enough so sat with them for a while so i didnt have to pay for my noodles, again, score! ive got pictures with them so see if you can spot which are the ladyboys when they get put up, i didnt know until they told me, but to be fair, the jaws are a bit more prominent on the pics!
i'd had enough of holidaying so picked khoa sok national park out of the guide book which is in the middle of the peninsular and kind of on the way to krabi where we were heading so that became our next destination, the middle of the jungle!we managed to get the transfer, boat and bus to khoa sok for about 4 quid each, it soon became clear why but to be honest it just made it better...
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