Just a quick one guys to fill you in!
Arrived in Airlie beach after visiting the wonderful city of Childers ( a SMALL fruit picking town)! we caught the bus at about 6pm with the bus driver announcing we couldnt get to Airlie Beach beacuse of hurricane Ullui! he was addament the roads were closed but we set off none the less! the story kept on becoming more exciting with reports that the whole town ahd been closed by the police, there was no electricity, food or water and backpackers were in the street!!
Upon arrival in airlie, the damge wasnt too bad although there were a lot of boats washed up on the rocks and trees fallen down everywhere!
We quickly set off to book our trip to the beautiful whitsunday islands! we booked onto a catamaran for the day which took us around the islands, we went snorkeling on the coral reef and went to a beautiful beach and were spoilt rotten with food ( a nice change to the 20 cent noodles we have been living off of)
the sun came out and we all had a wonderful day (even though we had to wear stinger suits everytime we entered the water, which were not very flattering whatsoeevr)!!!
Today we have been chilling out and are off to our final stop in Cairns where we are going to do a day trip to the great barrier reef and go diving (very exciting) so we have that to look forward too! i did however wake up with a massively swollen lip which is annoying and sore, i look like i had too much botox and donty know why it has come up swollen! hopefullyu it will settle by tonight!!
More news to follow from Cairns,
much love xx
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