I visited Newcastle which (don't quote me on it but,) I think is the 6th biggest City in Australia and home of the Newcastle Knights, who had the world famous Andrew Johns play for them (you can quote me on the Newcastle Knights bit). The train took longer than the train from Leeds to London would. You can get a plane from Sydney to Newcastle believe it or not, but we thought the train would suffice, even though we had spent over 5 and half hours of our day on a train. There were no maps for us to grab when we left the train station in Newcastle, so we spent half an hour getting lost and walking into residential areas. When in the residential areas, we were so pre occupied in taking pictures of street signs saying 'Newcastle', that we had forgotten we were actually lost. When we eventually found a beach, due to the boiling hot sun, it required effort to actually sit there, so as there appeared to be little else to do in Newcastle; we just hopped back on the train to Sydney central, and admired some of the scenic views on the way back. Newcastle in England in my opinion is a lot better than Newcastle in Australia. Newcastle here in Aus seems to be a place, like Manly, that has a lovely beach, but it won't be a place I will go out of my way to ever visit again.
All my blogs (except the UK one) has a picture that I have taken myself. This does not apply to this blog however and I have had to use a picture supplied by STA for this blog, and there is a reason for that. The reason is quite simple; there was nothing of note to actually take a picture of in Newcastle, apart from the sign. If only Newcastle was half as exciting as the picture makes it looks.
I also realised around 2 days later that I was partially covered in Mosquito bites. Some of my mates had said they had also received them when they were in Newcastle, so if only they had thought of telling me before I set off. It seemed to take an age to get rid of those dam things, so I certainly won't be visiting there again now. The only thing that would have made me enjoy Newcastle a little bit more would have been over hearing the Geordie dialect, but that never looked happening as I think we were the English people around. One thing that did make me chuckle was around 2 stops before Newcastle, we passed through a train station called 'Cardiff'. So easily amused, eh?
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