Today we woke late at nearly ten and proceeded to agree on a lazy day. We thought we would chill out and make a plan for tomorrow by researching Delhi online. We looked into a few tourist attractions ...scanned the map of where we have been and where we would like to go and have now come up with a plan of action. There is a lot to see in Delhi and very little time, after looking at the street map we realised how close we came to Connaught circle before we gave up. Any way today is another day and we were impressed with how far we had actually walked.
After an hour or two of chilling with a very English brunch of Tetley's tea and toast with jam we got bored, so got online to see where we could go for a few hours. It then transpired that while I was looking at the best temples and mosques to visit, Steven was on trip advisor doing some research of his own... The best places to eat in Delhi!! His number one choice being a very highly rated vegetarian restaurant called Shudh, which was located also in Karol Bagh, New Delhi approximately one and a half kilometers away from the hotel.
Later after a freshen up we ventured out in to the early evening sun and set off with our little hand written map and directions in the direction of the restaurant. Clearly we had hit rush hour and it actually seemed busier than previously but I think we had become a little bolder as it wasn't as overwhelming and the traffic stopped for us as we wandered out. We walked past the big jewellery store as our little map indicated and for a moment I was distracted and transfixed on the diamonds shining in front of me... Wow! Before I even opened my mouth Steven had dragged me past and down then next road on the left. We walked down this street, then another street and then a further street, still no nearer to our final destination. We went in one hotel and asked for directions and after some hand gestures and a look at our poorly sketched map we were given directions to turn the next left and walk to the next street, which we did...
We then found ourselves on a brightly lit street, more beautiful than any part of Delhi I had seen so far, bright fairly lights strewed from building to building and diamonds twinkling in the windows... We had found the jewellery quarter!! Big solitaires for under forty thousand rupees (approximately four hundred and sixty pounds), how genuine they were is debatable but hey I have always been a magpie. It also turned out this was the correct street... Gurdwaras road. We walked to the left about quarter of a mile then came to a busy road, at this point Steven said it must be back the other way, 'I don't think so' I replied thinking we may as well keep going. However Steven's memory of the map and the vast amount of traffic ensured we turned back the other way. We walked back as far as we could before I could see he buses speeding down Gupta road (on which our hotel is located). Let's go back again and cross the main road I suggested, which we did and came to a quieter part of the street. This made Steven nervous... And tetchy! He was now starving, clammy and lost... Not a good mix. Let's go back he said.... Again! To which I replied we may as well get to the end of the street before we walk up and down again. We did and there at the very end of the road... Was our little oasis of cleanliness and serenity... it was the place we had been searching for.
The Shudh is a canteen style food court that has a cash desk as you come in where you order your food. There is then four kitchen areas behind booths that offer Chinese, South Indian, North Indian and Western food. Once the order is in you await your number to come up and collect your food, bit like a deli. We grabbed a menu and settled on pizza and spicy pasta with garlic bread.... Don't judge!!! We really fancied Italian. We placed our order along with two Pepsi and sat down. I asked Steven if he knew how it worked?? Do we wait, or do we have to give the receipt to our chosen kitchen? ...suppose we wait he replied. After about thirty mins of waiting, an Indian family came in and placed their Order... Each one then proceeding to a different booth... I felt like another I told you so speech coming on but it turns out a look says it all and all I heard was okay beau.... So while me and the cashier were laughing Steven went to the booth and placed our order with the tokens he had screwed up and put in his pocket.
Ten minutes or so later our number came up and we collected our prize... And it was delicious. The pizza was doubled layered with onion and pepper between the crust with a beautiful Indian paneer (cheese) on top with various vegetables. It came with oregano and chilli flakes to sprinkle on top. The pasta I ordered was delicious ...loads of fresh veg and a really spicy sauce (made spicier with my chilli flakes). It was served with a lovely garlic bread and was yummy! The Pepsi was a refreshing change from water and went down a treat. The bill? Approximately four pounds...
The walk home was a lot quicker than the walk there and was pretty uneventful... I took a few pics much to Stevens dismay especially when I asked him to be in one! We attempted to find a supermarket but we weren't prepared to wander down any more streets in search of one. Instead we wandered back to the hotel saying hello to the odd person... One guy asked if I was from Kabul ...maybe our modest dressing is a bit too modest! To be honest the girls here dress really western, few wear saris and they are often glued to their smart phones, if anything we look a bit rough.
On arrival back to the hotel I thought I'd have a shower so inquired about the lack of warm water... "You want shower... Now?" ...yep! "Okay, I tell them... Give it ten mins" ...oh okay, do we have to tell you when we want a shower? "Yes at this time, morning! Water always warm" ....erm not ours! It's never warm. "Oh, will be from now!" ...okay thanks. Turned out warm was just off freezing, but more bearable.
It's weird, stuff like this doesn't bother me here, I've realised I'm a lot more chilled about my appearance... I haven't shaved my legs since I've arrived... Again to Steven's dismay. I've actually settled in to Delhi and its craziness. I feel safe here and strangely relaxed... Steven loves it! Now for the tour meet tomorrow, fifthteen of us... With only about three guys, poor Steven!
- comments
Emily Hope you have a lovely time tomorrow lou and steven xxx
Virginia Loving your extensive blogs! Think the trick to keep My cousin happy is to keep him fed and shave your legs!!! Lol Enjoy xxx