Welcome Kathrin! Hope you enjoy the activities, folks. We are looking forward to photos and a diary of events. Glad the skydive is completed. Can you put the video up on here? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Granny And Ricky
Dear Inga and Rose,
Nice to have a chat today, we are now drinking champagne and eating sausage rolls. Hope you are not doing the same! We thoroughly enjoyed looking at your photos. We think the fairy penguins and the kangaroos are right up your street. Looking forward to seeing you... won't be long now. Lots of love from Granny and Aunt Heather.
I love all the comments on the Ocean Road blog. Just reminding you that we are waiting for next effort. Stretton told me about your trip to airport, not so nice, I hope it was not too red or anything! Glas Maol in perfect condition, I had a snowfest on Tuesday. We ve been enjoying the wildlife of Aus. xxxxxxxxxxx
Hamish & Lorna
That's a nice row of cheesers (good tongue Alex)! That Kangaroo thing looks like a pet the way it likes it's rub, and the penguin picture doesn't look real - amazing! (Alex - don't you know it's mean to poke penguins in the eye). Love it, take cares girls!
Crumbs! I take it that someone has shown you how to load the photos on! I'm just going back to have a proper look but had to let you know that we're amazed. Oh, Morna is in Melbourne in a week or two visiting Dave's parents. Still in QML. Skiing lovely on Monday. Skating on loch brilliant on Tuesday. Who needs all that sun? xxxxxxxxx
hey guys , your really doing it !! photos look great ! seems to me that your having a blast - - quite rightly !! sometimes i feel like i am there with you enjoying the new smells, senery, cultures, ways of life and loving it all for what it is - - - and then my driller will hit me with a bit of chalk from 30yrds (if he gets lucky in the face or on the hard hat, back of the hand something like that) then zzooom back to reality- - love the moment girlies .all of it xxx
Hamish & Lorna
Absolutley brillant blogging ladies! - loving it. Looking forward to seeing a picture of the giant Emu! :) Travel stories all sound great. Best wishes & love to both of you. Take care.
Aw thanks for the slobbery kisses Bykse and Oaklie.. I feel so privileged :)
Oh what don't you two get up to out there. every weeks the blog gets bigger and bigger. ever so jealous of the amazing time you two are having. well keep up the good fun, and when you come back bring back the lovely australian weather!!!
have you seen Prince william yet? hes out there at the moment.
lots of love
kriss xx
Bykse And Oaklie
Yo Aimee, We are glad that someone appreciates us. We have not had any notes from Inga yet. Do you want our wet kisses too... happy to oblige. Tails wagging.
just left you a comment on your most recent blog - Loving it! But I always check back here as well to be nosey and see what people are saying to you - mainly Bykse, that's one very clever dog you've got there..! ;) Hehe Missing you MILLIONS and loving you BILLIONS! Aimee xoxoxoxo
And we loved the recent Blog and photos update! You are a great duo.