Hey guys,
we are here in australia at last!!!!! we arrived at 10:40 at night on sat and it has been pretty full on since then! the excitment of the plane was another slightly strange guy who kept on looking at us, especially when inga said that she was going to take off her skirt (she was wearing THICK leggings). so we thought this was very funny and thought nothing of it.
so the oz intro guy, louis picked us up from the airport and took us to the hostel which was interesting as our room contained about 8 semi naked old men in tight pants! lovely!!!!! the next day we had fanastic sunshine and we looked around the local area. We went for a swim in the warmish sea and also went to the oz intro office to pick up some stuff!
Monday morning finally came and Oz Intro began!!! we moved into our new dorms (which was fabby as it has a spectacular ocean view, and great people!!!) we went jet boating around sydney harbour , got soaked, got attacked by birds who wanted the bread our group leader Simon purposly brought (pretty cool).
.... we will leave you on a cliff hanger here as we need to go to our travel meeting,
better updates soon xxx
- comments
Hamish & Lorna Sounds like you're off to a great start! Enjoy!!!
Geoffrey Always seem to read yuor posts at breakfast. To set the scene; 8am, dark, raining! But all is well here and the stalking season is going well. Sounds like you've met some potential stalkers in these weird men you seem to be bumping into. Are you drinking Fosters or xxxx and are you now Sheila's? All I ask is that when you arrive home you still speak with a 'like' British accent! Lol.
Ingasmumanddad PHOTOS PHOTOS please. We love the blog though not sure about the obsession with men. Any one would think you were straight out of the single sex St Leonards that I was at all those years ago! Inga, I emailed you on your g mail. Has your phone number changed, Dad is not sure if you got his text? Snow here yersterday, aren't you jealous? (Ha!) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aimee (Toss) Loving the updates, keep them coming. They provide entertainment to my life :) Haha missing you lots, take care!! Love you! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx