We have arrived in Rome and Daniella has left, and the confusion at Rome airport is not quite as bad as when we arrived from Heathrow.
We are staying in a hotel not far from where we stayed for our trip, tomorrow we are going to St Peters Basilica to have some healing masses said for friends.
The picture shows the interior of St Peters Basilica.
We travelled by the metro to St Peters Basilica, when we arrived the line was quite long but very quick as all sight seers must be screened by security staff before entering the Basilica.
The Basilica is a magnificent church no words can describe a wonderful architectural masterpiece, this is my third, and the longest time in the Basilica as we went to the Basilica for personal reasons and especially to spend some time in the Basilica.
In 2007 we visited the grave site of Pope John Paul he in the necropolis of the Basilica where popes are buried but now he is buried in the Basilica and has his own chapel next to Michelangelo's Pieta.
The Basilica is a work of art and engineering masterpiece, the original work was commissioned by the Emperor Constantine the Great between 319AD -333AD, the church was built over what was believed to be the shrine of St Peter the Apostle who Jesus chose to lead his flock, Simon Peter (meaning rock) was put to death by hanging upside down as he requested.
During the time that the Papal chair went Avignon the church was neglected. The Papal chair was in Avignon from 1309-1378 where eventually it was returned to Rome but is was not until 1414 that the Papal chair eventually took its place in Rome.
Pope Nicholas V 1446-55 commissioned a new Basilica but he died before the building was began.
The story of St Peters Basilica is as ancient as the Roman Catholic faith, but such a wonderful construction a magnificent work of art during the Renaissance.
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