our holiday was amazing and its gr8 to be back in rainy wet cold england
Anna B
Sounds like you had a fantastic time! Beth we all missing you loads!!! :)
We are back safe and sound and its all been a bit hectic. Despite having no washing to do we still havent got everything packed away. The kids have suffered from jetlag once more and are feeling run down with various bugs we have picked up by doing longhaul. Infact you could say we are in need of a holiday:-)
Anyway I will complete the updates and try to put some titles on the pictures before we forget.
The Baldy One
Hello you lot!
Only 2 days to go now until you are home and i hope you are all ready for lots of tears from Sarah. I dont know if you are aware but she wont be getting home until around 2 am so you probably wont get to see her that night.
Its been lovely here but i appear to have broken your mower :-( so your garden is quite overgrown save for 2 and half strips of freshly cut grass.
Hi guys, it sounds like you are having an exciting time, the kids and I are loving the blogs and seeing all your photos. Angela, beth is realy missing you and wants to say hello.
Have a fantastic time on the rest of your journey and we will see you soon.
Love the Burts XXX
Sorry to hear about your tendonitis thats from over training probably vicky. We have no such issues but we might have a few stretch marks! Actually the kids have done loads of exercise and I hope they have have great memories and experience from this trip. We certainly have. We are upset its coming to an end but we have a little under a week to go and I'm excited to visit my geordie mate Rob from Uni to see if he still has the cycling bug to meet his wife and three liitle un's. We have a hire car today. A boy racer Mitza Bush
We are off to the beach at Kiama where we hope to see a blow hole. Its 22 and lovely.
Hi all,
Your pics look fantastic, and you all look great. I dont know what we will do when you are all back home, as we wont have are family reading hour round the computer, you will have to keep the blog up dated what ever the time or place. Have you any advice on achillies tendonitis or anyone reading this blog (cant even spell it) I have been in agony for weeks, the doc told me it will go evenutally, when I have reached a target weight of 25 stone.
Josephine as looney as ever, and missing Bethalooneypants, Annabelle was 7 the other day and had a party with her friends at home.
Will be good to see you all when you get back and listen to all your tales.
Sounds like you are having a fab time, camper van sounds great, is the grey water issue solved! We are missing you all lots, when are you back? Off to St. Greg's tonight so will pick up any info you might need Jo, if you decide to ever come back!!! St Oswalds boys won the Rugby final on Sunday at the Haliwell Jones stadium - it was very exciting!
Love to you all Clare, pete and boys
The One Left Behind
Hey guys fab posts. Sounds like u've really had an amazing time over the lastcouple of weeks. When do u fly to oz? That lifeguard sounds like a ledgend!!!! were the slides good? It was walking day on sat so i went along and gave every1 some pennies. Every1 was asking when u were home joe joe. Oh and st oswalds won the Rugby. Very very good match and they were even on tv... the superleague show hahha iplayer it and u will see them. Warrington won and u wont miss anymore matches now... saints at home on 11th july is ure 1st match back so a good 1.
I love u all so much and really cant wait to see u now. Both me and mark have booked off the 9th and the 10th so that we can all do somethin 2gether and have a long wkend with u. Cant wait 2 see u soon =) xxxxxx
Year 6
Hi to you all - we have been looking at your photos in class - it looks like you are having an amazing time.
We have been working hard in class - but having lots of fun stuff to do as well. We are working on our own projects and doing ICT to help research our topics....Joe can do his about his travels!!
Looking forward to seeing you all again, enjoy the rest of your adventures...love year 6 and Mrs R!
Year 5, Miss Morris, Mrs Allen, Mrs Truran Adnd Mrs Hollan
To Beth
We have been looking at your pictures and blogs toady! We are missing you loads. You are missing lots of fun things that we have been doing at school. We have made ear muffs in Science and in History we have been learning about Britain since 1948 (Aidan is loving it and quotes facts at us all day). We finished Tom's Midnight Garden and guess what - Mrs Bartholemew is Hatty!!!!!!! We are having lovely weather at the moment and are really enjoying playtimes and PE lessons on the field. We are still learning the Beatles songs and really like 'Imagine' by John Lennon. On Saturday it is Padgate Walking Day! We are really looking forward to it as we think it will be nice weather for once! Mrs Allen and Miss Morris have written our reports (yeah)! Don't think you have escaped - your report will be waiting for you when you get home!!! Lastly send us proof of Aidan's reading record as he is very worried about it. Aidan has your reading record, but didn't tell us til yesterday.
From everyone in Year 5 X
Mrs R And Year 1
Hi Patrick
We are all missing you. Your postcard is cool - the volcanoes are amazing. We all want to sleep in a Ben 10 van. Are you having fun? We're going to get changed for PE, it's been so hot that we're taking our water bottles outside for PE lessons and doing them in the morning not in the afternoon. Are the kangaroos little? Is it hot there? Have you found anything interesting? Have you seen any crocodiles? Are you bringing a koala back for Year 1? What other wild animals have you see?