btw baldy one it was supa scarey the flying fox. the 2 that did it have been winding up the 2 that didnt. Alot of parents would not have allowed their children to be put in such close proximity to danger but we said what the heck we've got 5 ;-)
I have uploaded the photos once I got the cables off Sarah. Sarah you really delivered there, I'm amazed and quite touched. You have finally followed an instruction from your Dad. We had to lie down for an hour.
Anyway I have uploaded all the photos it has taken me ages and they need captions but I will get round to it. Some of them you can guess the location from the amount of clothes we are wearing.
We are in Wellington staying with Ralph and Lena and its great to hear his tories of running a motel. Ralph arrived in NZ in 1974 and has worked as Telecom engineer for 25 years before getting made redundant. The kids are asleep in beds with electric blankets. This is a new experience for them and now we probably need to buy some before they ever sleep in a bed at home again!
Tomorrow we are off to explore Wellington. This morning we camped on the the Kapatai coast, a commutable distance and absolutely breathtaking. Ran along the beach with kapatai island and the hills on the other side. From what we have seen of Wellington its very different but in a nice sort of way.
The Baldy One
Have there been any scouse abbreviations of places yet from Mr Hughes? Wellington = Welly, Auckland = Auckie, Roturua? Rotisserie haha
Joe and Patrick I wouldve definitely joined in with the Zip wire and your Dad has lost serious man-points by not having a go! I hope you called him a wimp! haha
I bet it was brill sledging in June!
The One Left Behind
What a great time you have all been having. Your latest blog sounds brilliant and i'm now mega jealous. It just sounds so pretty. So u think u know where u could live then? What do the children think of the idea now they are actually there?
I can only imagine how funny the pigeon nz/scouse is, especially with the place names. Bet its been gr8 fun gettin the bus hasn't it lol. Still mum dad's tale of the fake earthquake had me lol. I can just imagine u hahahahaha, 2 funny and then the falling in the stream after laughin at Joe... Classic.
Love you all xxxxxx
The Wild Adventurer
Sarah if you thought Dad was funny with the train tickets in Barcelona it was nothing compared to the LOL Maori pronunciations of place names. In fairness they do appear to be a random collection of letters but that said......
Mrs Roberts
It sounds like you're all having a ball. We are all missing you lots Patrick, but you're having a fantastic adventure!! Keep enjoying it (and ignore Owen saying back to yucky school!!)
Love Mrs R
The One Left Behind
Hey Joe Joe just a quick update 4 u. I saw Jack Fox at Rugby 2day and i asked how they'd got on and u won 9-2 so your all through to the final.
Mandy was asking after u all so i gave her this address. Hope your all keeping well, not heard from u in ages.
Miss and love u all xxxxxx
We went to the thermal spa and had a ball too.
The girls are getting really excited about what we are all going to do in the summer. We were playing the people game in the car yesterday, (think of a person, ask Q's then guess). All the people were Hughes.
We're back just a bit before you......see you soon can't wait to hear everything and see all the photo's
Its lovely to read all about your great adventures. Everytime you mention the camper Van I think of Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine and wonder which one of you would be shaggy.
Take care
The One Left Behind
AHEM!!! A phone call would be nice!!! Its been a wk lol
Neil & Helen
Hi All
Hope you are having a nice time which I am sure you are,watch out for those hopping possums.