We went to Cornwall and caught lots of crabs in St Mawes,hope you are having a nice time I will save you a piece of my birthday cake.
Sarah W
I've loved catching up with what you're up to - will be sure to keep checking in on what been happening.
Glad you're having a good time - I'm about to give the tent an airing but I'd much rather be on a camp site in NZ. In fact, I need to get my gas and pipe from yours or I'll be going hungry! Sarah - can you get it out for me?
Hope we're camping in this country soon too - Katie was only saying she hasn't seen Beth in ages at the weekend. I'll let her have a look at this when she gets back from dancing.
Sending lots of love
Me xxx
Hi, sounds like you are having a fantastic time in NZ. Its great to read all about you travels. Its Quiet hear the house has fell through so we are all back to square 1.
keep exploring and have fun love Sue xX
hello everyone
great to read about your travells, especially NZ! Keep enjoying yourselves. take care
miss turner (siobhan) x
The One Left Behind
Hi every1,
Well it sounds like your having an amazing time. NZ sounds amazing! Very jealous of the ols springs, been wanting to go there 4 yrs, still i suppose u can tell us where is best to go. U'll have to give me a full report on the bay of plenty, given its where we were looking to move to lol. Have u seen anywhere u fancy yet or is it too soon to tell?
I am loving the posho camper hahaha, made me lol. Mark and i were really laughin when we found out your last 1 was called cheapA campA, too funny.
Helen next door was asking about u yesterday and Jackie and Lee next door to us have been asking reg about how u've got on and what u think of it. Jackie thinks u are a cheeky 1 mum. She said she was wonderin why u were asking her about who she was goin to for the medicals lol. She said she walked away from the convo like, Uh? what was that about then? They dont need a medical just 4 a hol surely lol.
Love u all so much and i am really really starting to miss u now. Got all teary talking about u to Helen yesterday! What a big girl lol. Anyway give me a call when u can, it'll be nice to hear your voices
All my love xxxxxx
The Baldy One
Hi you lot!
Wait till i tell my mum about your experiences at NZ customs! She could've warned you about that as her favourite TV show follows Auckland Airport!
Has your dad turned in Fellaini yet with his hair?! He should grow a beard too!
Angela i couldnt make spinning as i'm still walking, as my sister pointed out, like i was born with one leg considerably shorter than the other!
Joe youre rubbish, Beth youre rubbish, Patrick youre rubbish and Isaac youre rubbish.
We have a bit missing from Australia but its just that we havent written it yet. hope to get that done and keep the rest of the news current. Its very british weather, fine drizzle for the past 24 hrs. we feel at home! Just met Tom and his gf from Grappenhall travelling around nz for 10 weeks. "is that a warrington shirt" on seeing patrick. expected a joke but it was followed by "where about in warrington r u from" !!!
The Wild Adventurer
mum has seen a man sawing some wood and fixing a light and he was the image of your dad.... and he was swearing
Owen Allen
Hi Patrick. Tomorrow it's back to yucky school for me! Poo Poo poo! Today we went to Blue Planet for a last trip out. The sharks were ace. The day before we went to Gulliver's world It was just like Australia if I closed my eyes tight enough! Anyway, you think a kangaroo's good - my dad got knocked off his motorbike by a reindeer in Finland! His headlight smashed and he went mad. Send a postcard to our class. Love Owen x
The One Left Behind
'AUUUU..straiia is a very fine place, heave away, heave away. 2 come from there is no disgrace, heave away, heave away... Heave away my bonny bonny boy, heave away, heave away. Heave away my bonny, bonny boy we're bound for australia... umpa umpa umpa umpa idy idy umpa!!!!!' hahahhaahahha
Well g'day anklebitters! Hows the back of beyond?? Sounds like your having a beaut! Have people accepted you blow in's yet? So pleased u saw a boomer! Thats just bonzer!! hahah ok i'll translate..
Well hello kids! Hows the bush? Sounds like your having an amazing time! Have people accepted you newcomers yet? So pleased u saw a kangaroo! Thats just great!
Your not the only 1s who can enjoy the lingo =)
Cant believe u dad! You've not even been gone 2weeks yet and i am already required 2 send red cross parcels to NZ!! i knew it was 2 good to be true u being THAT organised haha. So did u see ure koalas mum? I am so jealous and slightly missing my mum if thats ok to say at the age of 25 haha.
How was the campsite? Its sounds amazing! I've been tracking ure movements with google earth so i can see the images of where u r etc and it looks so amazing. Cant wait till we have the money to go! I know dad my retirement is a long time off, but hey i can but dream lol.
It was polling day today and mum as requested i voted 4 u by proxy and i really think u will be pleased with my choice of the BNP! During my reasearch on the various different parties, i just found that they represented my own moral values! Values which u ureself had brought me up on and i just felt that they were the logical choice haha.
I had an interview 2day for a really good job in warrington with excellent pay, so please keep ure fingers crossed for me?
kk Individual msgs now...
So Joe Joe hows things with the Cheapa Campa?? Has it broken down yet? Has dad ran over a roo??? What do u think of Aus then? Bet u cant wait to see NZ can ya? Warrington are palying away this wkend so we're off to watch them at the club but i will keep u posted on the results. Mark is back at work now as well so u will be able to beat him up when u get back lol. Missing u loads poohead, cant wait 2 c ya... oh and i better have a gr8 pressie of u when i get back =D xxx
Hey Loony, how u doing? Do u like it out there then? Whats been the best bit so far? Do u all have ure own beds or r u all sleepin 2gether as usual haha? Ooh i went into town yesterday and saw that new look have started selling girls shoes in the 915 bit so when u get back we'll have to have a trip over and c what u think? They had some gr8 little pumps in which i thought u mite like? Maybe after u get ure nails done 4 ure bday we could go shoppin? Missing u loads my lil sis.. oh and hows the fringe? Cant wait to c ya babe, take care xxx
Yo yo yo Rico!! How u doin mate? U gotta tell me all about the Kangaroo's and the Koalas, cant wait to hear about them. Have u seen anything else yet? Any big Spiders or snakes? Bet ure loving it aren't u? I can just imagine u running rd like a lil steve erwin with mum tellin u to put things down lol. Things at home are ok, i'm a bit bored and missing u lots!! I've been taking real care of Toffee and Sam for u while u've been gone and given them lots of cuddles. I am going to c if Owen and Lewis want to come to the rumpy with me and mark while u are away, coz i thought u mite like it if i took him. I love u loads lil man and i miss u like i would miss crisps if they were gone 4 a very long time haha. Take care u and dont pick any spiders up lol =) xxx
Hey Zac! Well what a really big adventure u are on!! How was the really really big slide at Wadi world then? Did it make u go really deep into the water? Bet the surfing was good wasn't it? Cant believe u were hiding Joe Joe's phone in ure shoe tho hahahah, bet u knew it was there didnt ya? We went and watch some planes taking off and landing the other day with a picnick, it was really good fun so maybe we will take u when u get back? I have been on the trampoline so that it is still really bouncy when u get back, so dont worry. Love u loads mr and missing u lots 2. Take care and make sure Rico doesn't get u to do 2 many silly things =) xxx
Hey mum and dad. Well its been mega hectic this wk. Our contrct was ended on mon which wasnt great so i've had interviews all wk, but on the upside there seems to be lots of work available to me, which is gr8. I will hopefully have a perm job by next wk. Mark has had his cast off and is struggling a bit to walk but i really think he's missed the freedom haha. Their family dog had to be put down on Wed which was awful poor thing. I had to take Jackie and it was really upsetting. Still he lived to be 16 so he had a good innings lol. Hows the lingo goin anyway? Do u fit in or are u struggling to get to grips with it? I have found a gr8 website called dictionary of australian slang http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/8092/ozslang.htm its gr8 u should have a look just for a laugh. Dad i'll send those things off for u 2moro in the post, i'll just get a padded envelope from the post office. Is Ralph's address in the book tho? Oh and mum Sunderland have signed Steve Bruce as our new manager. Love u both so much and really missing u already... yep even u dad haha. Take care and give me a ring when u can. Enjoy whats left of auz for now and i hope u love, love, LOVE NZ.
All my love to u all, as always xxx
The Baldy One
Hello you lot!!
Had my cast off today so im no longer pegleg, im skinny leg, iits like a medical experiment where theyve attached Sarags skinny leg to my body! they look really funny next to each other haha
Hope youre all enjoying yourselves and Angela, i wonder if i can spin this saturday? ill keep you posted!
Hi Sarah,
missing you loads (not) 27 degrees thats nothing we nearly got roasted in 44. Say Hi to Pegleg if he still has one. Already seen Kangeroos and Possums. sttod in lots of kangeroo poo (Dads fault taking a picture) plse tell me how st oswald do when the play in the semi final and good luck to warrington see ya.