how super modern you are with this technology stuff. im sure Hudgey couldnt use a computer but im proved wrong!!
must admit its been horrible seeing the pics, cant believe im not there.. b'stards!!
anyway glad all cool with the trip...
victory for the mullard last night - cmon!!
love to ya both..
send my love to joy!!!
Pop And Gang
Hi you 2, Your Mum's 'puter has been giving a bit of bother (James) so only got you sight today
Looks pretty dam good to me, ah well perhaps when the 'ol boy retires......
Fab pics..
Keep safe and have fun
Loads luv Pop
Hey Guys, yeah yeah enough already. Sounds like you're having a rock and roll time out there. Yep I'm well and truly envious especially as I'm sitting back here in dull old England where it's raining and I'm slaving away pretending to work! Absolutely love the pics, it looks lush and ooooo yeah brightened up my afternoon to see a man in his pants!!! tee hee. At first sight I thought I could see little green turtles on them but then I remembered that you told me you'd chucked them, what an outrage the turtle days are gone. Anyway continue having a great time guys and send some rays our way. Sorry I didn't get to meet you Katie before you guys hit the road. Look forward to your next installment. Be safe young dudes. Firm
Hey you lucky people.
You must be having a fab time out there.
Pictures speak for themselves.
Francesca, I loved your message. Life is a mirror, what do you see?
It's so true.
I think you will come back as a different person, darling, after seeing the world.
I will try to stay cool and find something new in my mirror by the time you come home.
Missing you loads and loads
Oceans of love to you
Sayaka xx
Safe the face man!!! The mullard are missing ya mate and we are all v jealous. Had a 5 - 5 draw last weeek and the harrison was just like one of the mitchell brother v hard!!!! Glad to hear its all going well mate, your missing some blistering weather here and not a spot of rain. LOL
Hey Hudgy! Can never keep up with you. First time I get in contact with you in ages and your half way across the world!
Keep safe, promise to catch up with you very soon, before I become Mrs Margetson!
Miss you, (Ripsnorter) Charlotte, Dan & Tank xxx
Chris Hardwick Crew
alright old but.
looks like your having a good time and that the weather is better then here, it isbeen raining for 2 days now and its crap.
Scotts still up mr durham ass and i have a meeting with the p****to sort out my next step.
Any way have a great time and speck to you again soon.
p.s. the washing machine is spot on.
Hi Katie, really missing you, saturdays at work are not the same with out you. Just trying to make you feel guilty for being out there in the wonderful sun and having the time of your life - dead jealous. Sal's baby Monty is gorgeous he squeaks like a hampster when you hold him - fab. Have tried to send you a e-mail with more goss but my computer program is playing up so I hope you get this. This webb site is really good. Take lots of care you two. Love Jane xx
It all sounds fab honey. Be careful with your skin, you have months of sweet sun worshipping ahead. I can envisage it all now.....paraiso...ahhhhh. If you have time I've heard the Taratao Islands are just stunning and don't forget my absolute dream fav Perhentian Islands (Kecil).
Wow, wow, and more wow. I'm so happy its finally all happened for you, things will never be the same again in the most beautiful way.
Life is a mirror, what do you see?
Much love and good energy I send your way
Hey.... Liverpool won 3-1 against Everton! I'm hogging the computer, so mum made me send you this!!! Still very jealous! x
Mum And Dad
Sorry I missed your call. Hope your tooth isnt aching and hope your sunburn is not too painful Katie. Missing you already
Loads of love
Mum xx
Hey babes.
What's the weather like where you are?
Well, actually you are still sitting in LHR, waiting for your plane! I am about to call you to wish you a wonderful holiday of a life time.
Just thought it might be nice to see a message on your arrival in Thailand.
I will stay in touch via e-mail.
Will send you one from work so that you can send me any urgent e-mails to my work address! (All the gossip!)
I am keeping eye on this website to see what you guys are upto.
I will also send you pictures of my life :)