Hi James and Katie,
HAPPY NEW YEAR We're back in the UK now and you're still in Oz (cant believe it). Its cold and miserable here so make the most of your time away or whats left of it. We're off to see the University girls this weekend (lisa, Emma, Anita etc) up in Manchester for a welcome home partay so that should be a laugh!! I'm soooo jealous and wish we could be out on the road again but hey work beckons now!! Oh, the joy!!!!
Take it easy
Jess and Sam
Mum And Dad
Wishing you both a very Happy New Year. Miss you loads
Lots of love
Hey guys. Cannot believe its been so so long since you left! Big Merry Hot Christmas to you both. Katie very jealous of the tan now haha. James please do come back to this place we call home - although fully understand the pull to the other side of the world it looks far more applealing (may have to venture myself). I know lots of people heading your way to enjoy the festivities down under and some are rather gutted they didnt stay there from last year. Have a fabulous xmas salad and drinks on the beach and of course party it up Ozzy style for New Year.
Love ya x x x
Hey Guys your photos look amazing!! This is my first time at this site since no-one bothered telling me about it =( haha. Looking forward to your visit =) Gawd I havent see James since I was a wee 11 year old! And Katie I still have to meet =) Anyways I'll see you guys soon!! Love Shaks x
hey hey,
glad alls rocking in travel-ville - both looking tanned and happy which is wicka!
all AOK in the UK! chelts still here and as good as ever..
still gutted ive not managed to get out there - how long have i still got to sort it out!!?????
love to ya both
Hi you too, loved the photos of Indonesia Bali 3, very colourful, i liked the interior designs - very warm and bright. I can't understand why you are missing us with all the wonderful experiences you are both having - I'll swap! Lots of love Jane xx
I'm pretty sure I stayed in that exact same place (as the photo) in Kuta right??? the cheapest place and soooooooooooo beautiful.
Had such a beautiful time there...have you been to the sumptuous vegetarian restautant? their salads are to die for. Will you go to the Gilis? and the boat trip to Flores via Komodo and Rinca is just incredible....Kelimutu is an absolute wonder, that day I found out someone very close to me and passed away from this life and it was an extrordinary comfort to be in such an enchanting place.
We are always reminded of lifes beauty................ I went running through the park today as the sun cast upon far away notions of this cities urban sprawl, a bird gracefully descended and children play.....in silence of autumns changing leaves I reflect my life, everyones lives. In stillness theres a feeling quite undescribable when you realise even your mistakes are beautiful because they are part of you and formed who you've become
and with that warmth spread over my body
cuz see sometimes your lonely but never alone.
Keep having gorgeous times my lovelyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Katie & James.
Just a quick note to say hello from wintery Tivoli. Matt and I have gone all domesticated and adopted a rescue dog called Benjy. Totally adorable when not eating the sofa! You guys still look blissfully happy in the sunshine. Off to a Fireworks party at Kelly and Ian's at the weekend. Everyone asks how you're doing when they come into the Beehive, worked in the restaurant last night and had to tell three different tables about your travels. You are definitely missed and know Pies will welcome you back with open arms.
Where are you going to be for Christmas? I spent one on Bondi beach a few years back, very surreal what with all the fake snow and santa hats.
Anyway, do drop me an e-mail sometime with all the goss.
Lots of love
Trudie (and Matt) xxx
Hi to you both
James ,just thought Id put s/n of ipod somewhere where you could find it easily! Sorry phone was not too clear today but great to hear from you.
ipod Model no A1137 EMC 2066
Serial Number 5U547XKCSZB and also 2GD written on back.
Warranty service website/ www.apple.com/support.
Loads of love to you both and stay safe
Hi guys, just looked at your photos of Borneo and the orang-utans - they are just fantastic best I've ever seen. Also like photos of your birthday kate plus loving your new wardrope! xjx
Kelly & Ian
Hi to you both,
Its been a while since I have followed your travels and am still so envious. What experiences you will have to tell the gran kids eh. The pub is going really well and we have had an amazing summer, can you believe its almost been a year. We now have a kitten called Cleo to add to our menagerie (probably spelt wrong).... Mum thinks I am substituting animals for children, that biological clock is certainly ticking. Coldplay and Lou have moved into the area and are in almost every evening, its good to have them around. Apparantly Tony is even thinking of moving out this way, not sure if its definite or whether he just needs to escape the Jack Stafford lifestyle, who by the way was seeing Sarah (Jonny's Sarah) for a while. Oh yeah and Jonny is engaged, but don't know her name. Anyway think that is it for gossip. Take care both of you and look forward to reading about your next adventure. xxxxxxxxx
June Buchan
Just having a look at your photo's etc. it all looks great. Oh to be young again. Hope you had a good birthday last month. I would have sent a message earlier if I had known about the modern technical world. I will keep looking now I know about your travel site. Take care