Hi Katie and James. I'm still enjoying reading your journals and fab photos its my first port of call when I go on the net makes me think I'm on holiday! unfortunalely I'm not. Sorry I can't e-mail you as my computer allows them in but I can't e-mail out as yet. However, thanks for your e-mail I have passed on the messages at work. Katie I did text you weeks ago so I hope you got it. I put your photo on the works board and journal and one of our clients thought the tuk tuk man was James then Gem thought he was a plastic cut out - I daren't put another photo up! Take care and I'm nicely glad you are not missing us or the routine.Keep having fun. Love Jane xx
Wee Cousin Amy
Hi James/Katie
Just been chatting to your Mum. Dad and Emma and they suggested I had a look at your site. All these places look amazing and soooo jealous that your off trotting around the globe! Lucky you! Hope you have a fab time and look after yourselves. Take care. Amy x
Hey guys sounds like you are having a brilliant time. still v v jealous of your trip. Its wicked at the happy daze place where james was streaking me and benny got very "mellow" there, and as for the full moon party good luck and dont go swiming in the sea during or after as its got a slightly yellow tinge. The mullard won again last night 4 -1 so its back to the good times, have a drink on me and happy easter.....
Hi James! Just been through the pics and am feeling very jealous....it's not fair! But life here is splendid....you know ...rain..cold...same old same old....Mum and Dad have just been to OZ, Singapore, NZ ....blah blah .....and to be honest the more everyone keeps telling me about where they went etc the more I am thinking about going again. It would be hard to leave such an exciting life, such as this at the mo......But reckon I could...hahaha Well, you continue to enjoy yourself and have a great time. Stay Safe ...Take Care x
Hi babs.
It's just before 7pm.
Just wish you were here to share a btle of vino with me...oh rather, wish I were there in Thailand with you to share a jug of exotic cocktails!
Think I will watch Bridget Jones 2 just so that I can feel the sound and air of that in Thailand......
Missing you loads babs xxx
yo lil' bro.....things look absolutely as i thought they would........still jealous and when people ask about my brother i have to say where you are thru gritted teeth. On school hols at the moment so have been galavanting to really exotic places like lakeside, north London and stansted!! Are YOU jealous??!! xxx
You b*****s, never got to say goodbye......missing you lots. Trudie popped in and gave me the site address, wow what a cool idea. Pictures look brilliant am sooooooooo jealous. It will be fun following you on your adventures a bit like uncle travelling Matt off the Fraggles, (your'e probably both too young to remember that). You are both going to have such an amazing experience, smoething to tell the grandkids anyway. Life seems dull here in comparison, can hear the wind and rain against the window as I write this. Am looking forward to your next installment. Take care both love you lots. xxxxxx
Hi Guys.
Sounds like you're having a blissful time. Photos are wicked but not helping my itchy feet syndrome whatsoever! Just want to jump on a plane and come play!
Koh Tao...hmm, just remember the jellyfish stings and dozing off in hammocks with dutch men?! Hazy, lazy days in the sun!
If venturing over to Koh Samui, make sure you visit a little (totally non-touristy) fishing village called Bo Phut.... so chilled and friendly.
Everyone at the Beehive sends their love as do Kelly and Ian who we went to see last night. (gave them your website address)
Matt and I are having some time off in June/July so might just turn up on your doorstep somewhere.
Lots and lots of love (you are sorely missed)
Trude (and Matt)
Hey Honeys,
Absolutely stunning photos. Beautiful, truly stunning........a great photographers eye. Those images have soul and you Katie-lee look ab. gorgeous. Back in ole blighters its 4 am and just finished a shift at the bar (ha always the worst gossipers). Nice lil' (well v.tall) hot swedish model working there but younger than my bro so maybe that ones a no no, they're bad enough at 30 ha!!
Ah all these boho friends of mine, Maha (spanish friend) has relocated to Brasil another on the ol' hippy california route out west. It seems right though that I hard graft some while you guys all enjoy.
Anyway I digress. Love hearing your tales of utopia. Keep on scribbling n uploading.
Kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
good evening travellers im currently in south mimms service station in a major state of depression after seeing your pictures, looks amazing definately up for makin an appearance on your tour so keep me posted as to whens best.
easy now!
Steve & Isobel
Uncle Steevie from Aberdeen here.U R obviously having a great time.Paul's wedding now only 12 days away.Will have a drink for U and send the bill.Pity U can't be here as I would have liked to meet the gorgeous Katy but I suppose I will just have to wait.Will send photos of the doo! when sober.Best wishes and have a great time.
From a jealous old FART!!!
PS: England for the world cup??? Aye that will be right!!!!!