I'm sooooooooooooooooo inspired. Laos looks insanely beautiful, too bad I never made it but alas there's always the future. You guys are ressurecting serious travel longings in me....just working away here but soon soon. Keep on with the photo's and entries, I'm lovin every minute.
Miss you but don't be missing ol' blighty too much.....summer will be gone soon enough and you'll still be dancing to the beat of an endless summer.....
Hey kate and James!
sorry i have notbeen in touch i had the wrong address, but i have it now. i love all the pictures you both look like your having great fun! it all looks amazing! i am still at the queens and just living my boring life! miss you kate! take care and i will keep in touch. xx
Mum And Dad H
Great to read journal and all sounds soooooo amazing. Pictures are great if a little slow to materialise. Got your video picture but took forever to download but good to hear you are still laughing Katie! Get those flags out ready for tomorrow and lets all hope for some great football! Stay safe and take care of each other.
Loads of love
Hello to the both of you.
It's all on a go slow at the moment as Hardwick has been gutted and moved to Oxstalls ready for the new building to be completed in September and the grand opening of the Fitness suite. (with the oxide equipment reconditioned!!)
Hope all is going well and you've got too many stories to tell.
Sam and Jess can't wait to get away but have still been using the gym on a regular basis to stay in shape for there travels.
Peace out.
Hi Guys,
Well it looks like you're having an incredible time. The pictures are keeping me going at work, can't wait to go travelling now!! Sam and I are off mid September to Thailand, what was the first hostel you stayed in called? It looked good, and a cheap price too!! Any recommendations accomadation wise for us?!
Well the gym closes soon James, still been going regularly and chatting to Scotty boy!! Leaving Cheltenham forever next week, so starting to pack all my stuff up. Stay in touch when you're back though!! Take care.
Mum And Dad
Hope you guys are ok not heard from you lately! Are you ready for the big game this afternoon? More to the point are you anywhere near a tv? Everyone gone footie mad , flags flying everywhere from houses, shops and cars etc so good atmosphere, weather has even taken a turn for better so 'ENGLAND EXPECTS'.
Love to you both
Mum xxx
Hey Guys, glad you got to Cambodia safely. The sun is shining and wish you were here to have a beer and a really good gossip with in the Imperial Gardens! Things good in the village... Me and the Welsh Boy Wonder are taking the plunge and are moving into Wurz's newly renovated flat on Montpellier Villas Rd. Can't wait!
Loving the photos, wish they'd done this when I was travelling back in the day.
The usual suspects from the Hive send their regards.
Anyway, lots of love to you both, take care of each other. Trude x
Frazer, Darling, you know those badges are hard to come by!! Am certainly doing my best to obtain all the badges I can along the way...!! xxxx
And Franny, you little minx!! Really glad to hear your having a ball! Remember we're only a short flight away if you find yourself a rich handsome man to take you away....!! Love you babes xxx
Hello Katie and James
Frazer here. Have been passed your details by Trudie and thought i'd say hello. Had a look at your photos, patricularly enjoyed your wildlife photography - the monkeys, who reminded me a little of Dan the Chef, and the aligator which i'm convinced is actually a floating poo!
Katie, got your ping-pong badge yet? ;-)
I feel so emotional on seeing your photo's. I'm just really happy for you, you both look so serene!!! Its amazing...just incredible. Awwww Katilee I just can't even describe how happy I am for you guys. I feel that energy, that buzz...another world, another planet, another place in time. Cambodia looks truly divine...please send me love (wink). I got a a trial at a Mayfair club (Where Keira Knightley had her birthday pty) as a table waitress. If I get it, it will mean great tips and maybe I'll be on the road sooner rather than expected. Things with the designer guy going great (can you believe?!!!) Think there might be something wrong...he's hot and not a s***!!! Oh and I was a bit naughty and pulled that swedish model guy but it was a drunken thing. Love you babes...will be in touch. xxxx