James and Katie's travels
Hello All!!
What a delight it is to finally get around to putting up another message on our board! The pace out here is so slow that its easy to forget about updating the site! And its been a while... Our apologies!!
Still having an amazing time here on Ko Pan Nang, we've got Claire and Wayne visiting next week for 10 days so we've had to get off our arses to find the perfect spot on the most perfect beach on the island to take them... What a task that has been!! He he!!
The last time we spoke we we're just off to the infamous Full Moon Party and what an absolute blast we had! Spent the night trawling the beach, dancing our butts off to the fantastic DJ's and seeing in the sunrise with the thousands of people that were there. Obviously there was lots of drinking involved so the following day was a bedge fest of videos and plenty of yummy grub... God hangovers over here are divine!!
We've spent the past week at the most beautiful beach so far; it's inaccessible by car so its a boat trip from the nearest bay which gives it such a cute feel! No shops, no internet, no phones so all thats left to do is sunbathe and chill... Gorgeous!!
Its home to lots of longtermers who take 7 months out of life each year in England and stay there for the whole time! Quite inspirational really... But it means that the vibe is great and everyone is so content with life, it really shows! We've just left our backpacks there whilst we take in the rest of the island but we're heading straight back there with Claire and Wayne cos it's too good to miss!!
Whilst we were there one of the 7 monthers (as we like to call them) had a huge party that the whole beach came along to so there was another hectic night of dancing etc... (Pictures to follow) They put on a firework display which cost them well over 500 pounds (over here that's like our budget for the month!), it felt like a nuclear explosion with all the lights. Very beautiful!!
We've met some really lovely people in the past few weeks; a mad lady who does set design for films like Delicatessen and who WAS the inspiration for the film Amelie. She has come along with us and is staying with us at the moment. She now works for a location and model scout and she wants me to get in contact with her when we're back in Thailand in August as they're making some films out here that she wants me to be in!! They pay 150 pounds a day to model so it would a great little budget booster when the money's going short... It does mean I'm gonna have to cut down on the old Thai curries though!!! Yeah Right!!
James and I went swimming in the middle of the night (no funny business intended!), the sea was full of illuimous plancton, called fossflorestants, that surround you whilst you swim. So all you see if the outline of each other in the pitch black, and these sparkly lights all around. It was beautiful! If any of you have seen 'The Beach' you'll know what i'm chatting on about!
I sure there's a lot of things that i've left out but the sun is still shining so i'd better go and appriciate it a bit more!!
Life's a beach.... xxx
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