James and Katie's travels
Sawadee Ka!!
Thought i'd take the time to get out of the sun and update you all on our little adventure (Ok, I mean holiday!). Things have been absolutely picture perfect here in gorgeous Thailand! We've managed to drag ourselves away from Ko Tao (finally!) and now we're settled nicely into backpackers haven (aka. Ko Pha Nang). Everyones getting themselves prepared for the largest full moon party of the year, as its Thai New Year, so the island is well and truely buzzing!!
This time of year the Thai's celebrate by throwing water all over everyone so we're bracing ourselves for some water sports and wet T-Shirt contests (thankfully not to Ibiza standards), but you really have to go with the flow!! It'll probably be a good time to cool down as the sun has been baking - bloody lovely!!
The full moon party is gonna be a blast so keep your eyes peeled for tales of drunken debrauchery...!! (for those of you that have experienced it, you know what I mean!!)
Had a funny old episode in the last place we stayed. They say that you go through flip flops like no ones business, well that was certainly true last week; James and I took a walk to the beach in the evening. The beach being a good long walk down a barely legal road! Well my flip flop snapped and so we had to walk back, (quite merry), with James wearing one of the flip flops attached to his foot with hair bands!! It was the funniest thing ever - this road being bearly walkable during the light of day!! Obviously with James' Robinson Crusoe attitude he took the task of wearing the ladies flopflop!! Oh how we laughed!!!
Another little tale to tell... (I emphasise the word little!)... We had been staying in a little mountain top retreat, very inconspicious (or so we thought), up high over a beautiful bay, away from the bustle of life below... Well we had an amazing view with large windows, and James was hanging out the window naked. It was only when we were walking around down below that we realised that this window was in FULL view of everyone below!! Not only that but it had HAPPY DAZE emblazoned along the roof with our window slap bang in the middle!! Can you imagine peoples horror when taking a glance at the spectacular sunset only to see James in his birthday suit!! Not very TACTful eh!!
Its so nice to get all your messages on the message board. Just like to say; Sayaka - I can't wait to show you around in August, we're gonna have a blast. Kelly - i'm sure life in your picture perfect pub goes is just as magical everyday as it is here! Trudy - the site is not used to service thoughts of the men of your travels! But please tell me more!! Fran - Your too bloody gorgeous to worry about the whether this cute guy is too young for you!! Claire and Wayne - Only 3 weeks to go!!! We can't wait to see you!!
Thats about all from here!!
Love you all xxx
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