Not quite sure where we left off here...
Bariloche is continually surpassing our expectations, and the ravings of all the travels who had convinced us to come, with its unbelievable lakes and moutians. It is truly a sight to see. As Emma and I discussed yesterday, one of the most attractive qualities to the views is that, unlike many of the places weve visitied in South America, people actually live here. While we both do love the wildness of what seems like untouched landscape, there is something comforting about this place.
A few days ago we decided to rent bikes and cycle a 27km loop that we were told was fantasic. It was fantastic, however I have no idea how it is possible to have peddled what seemed like only uphill all day. The views were well worth both the sweat and the sore bums the next day, as we were graced with rageing waterfalls, snowy peakes, sparkling rivers... you catch my drift.
The following day we woke up with the intention of seeing Harry Potter, the new one that is out at the moment. Now we both dearly love the series, so much so that we are currently lugging around the 4rth one that we happened to find in english here, and reading it outloud as we please. And seeing as that pook is some 3 inches think, that is saying a lot. Anyways, we were told that the movie would be showing in english, so we had been looking forward to this alllll week. Our intent was to wait for a rainy day, but having waited a week with no such weather, we chose to go anyways.
Well, we were thouroughly dissapointed, as when arriving we were told that it was only in spanish. We could have gone, but there is somehting mch less magical about seeing it dubbed... And thus had to survive a disappointment, this being the kind only achieved by eating huge and absolutely delicious ice cream cones in the main square, where we happened upon a car show and an impromptu scateboarding show.
The next day we woke up to hop on a bus and be dropped off on a road that would take us to a waterfall and a view. Good enough! We walked a good ways before hitting a forest and then a really cool waterfall in the middle. Really pretty with really cold water. We then trecked up to the top of this moutain that gave us a wonderful view and a good reason to sit for a few hours enjoying the hot sun, our tang (grapefruit at the time) and the lunch we had carried up. After some time a lively group joined us and we blasted our ipod with their speakers and had a jolly good time in the sun.
Waiting for the bus back at the bottom some many hours later, we were looking over at the beach (full of people, but no one swimming, as no one was crazy enough to go into the freezing cold water). We were however, and on a spontanious decision (of madness probably) we stripped to our bathing suits, corssed the beach in a run and dove into the water. Cold, yes, freezing actually, but not quite as bad as some weve been so far. Of course that was exactly the moment the bus started comming, so there was a mad dash for clothes and shoes and we spent the ride home soaking wet with our socks and shoes on in a haste, however, it was much worth it. Our third time swimming since arriving, which is probably much more than the usual travler, as the water here truly is cold. But beautiful and refreshing once the numbness dies down.
Yesterday was my birthday, which of couse is a great reason to celebrate and to have once again an amazing day in this place. And who better then to spend it whith your best friend, who is an amazing birthday planner? The day went something like this:
Emma wakes my up with singing and dancing and music and chocolate and pretty flowers, and we sit on the rooftop eating chocolate and tang for brekie which blasted jolly good music.
Call with the parents and grandma, which was lovely, and further enhanced my already wonderful mood.
Treck down to the main street to purchase our second disposable camera ( oh did I mention that our second camera broke? lens error. hopefully well find a decent but cheep number 3...).
The in search of the perfect cake... we settled on a chocolate mousse, chocolate and tirramissu. Not hard to find in the chocolate capitol of Argentina.
And then some beer of course, and up to the top of our favorite moutian here to celebrate.
We sat at the top with our music, cake, beer, and surprises from Emma that kept comming all day, and enjoed the feeling that can only best be described as outsmarting the world.
One of the best birthdays Ive had, and that was even before we treated ourself to the very best steak in town along with this bbqed cheese thing, all of which were so fantastic we could barely talk until we finished.
then off of course to celebrate.
Today the intent is to run the billion of errands we need to do before heading back into chile tomorrow for our ship (including purchasing enough chocolate to sustain us for those 4 days at sea). Which is quite perfect seeing as it is the first day in which the clouds through the window im looking at look ominous and its absolutely freezing.
love love
- comments
Mary A. Toney Girls it must have been a perfectly wonderful birthday. Happy 18th Scotia. Hope the boat trip is teriffic. See you Christmas. Much love, MeMa