The first tour meeting was on Monday, May 11th at 6:30 at the Norman Public Library. This was the Boston meeting. We went over the pre- American Revolution reasons in this meeting. The kids seemed to know quite a bit about the reasons for the American Revolution. I had many comments about how cool that lecture was and that I should teach history instead of math! The plan up to this point was to take Amtrak to the Fort Worth Intermodal Center, take the TRE train to DFW and fly out of DFW.
The second tour meeting was on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30 at the Norman Public Library. This meeting was a discussion on NYC. We went over Ellis Island, 9-11, and the cultural islands of Manhattan, as well as other things we will be seeing. No one remembered specifics on their family going through Ellis Island, so I don't think we will have anyone that will want to go to the data room when we visit.
The third meeting was on Tuesday, May 26th at 6:30 at the Norman Public Library. There was some significant changes to our tour at this meeting that were completely unavoidable. Due to flooding, the train tracks were out, so transportation to DFW had to change to a Greyhound bus. This is a positive in scheduling because we will get into Dallas at 11:20 AM. Then we will take the DART train to DFW, which goes directly to the terminals in DFW. This option gives us more time at the airport, which is a positive in my opinion. When I presented this to the parents, most were okay. I had one parent concerned about the "caliber" of people on the Greyhound buses. I tried to calm her down and reassure her that her child would be fine, but the other option would be to transport her own child and meet us at DFW. She seemed to think that she may take that option, but will decide and let me know. I met with the HS Credit students and we talked about how everyone was doing on their work. They all seemed very on track. We discussed the deadline of Friday to turn in their pre-trip essays. Next year, I need to make sure they have finished their KWL charts at this time and allow enough time for everyone to set up their online journal accounts.
At the same meeting, Jennilee had informed me of an emergency situation with the Tour Director (TD). We would not have one TD, but instead we would have three due to the emergency. I talked to Chad Murray later and one of the TD's was highly recommended in his view. At the meeting we discussed Philadelphia and Washington D.C. I think the kids seemed very excited about being conscripted into the Marines in Philadelphia. Another high interest location seemed to be Arlington and the Smithsonian museuems. They all seemed excited about the National Zoo.
The final meeting was at 6:30 on May 28th at the Norman Public Library. We had a backpack decorating contest and I offered a $20 cash reward for the best backpack on Wednesday when we leave. While the kids were decorating, I checked in with all the parents on baggage fees (US Airlines charges $25 each way), $5 for water, and $22 for the Greyhound and DART ticket, make sure that all of the paperwork is finished and photo releases are signed. After the backpacking decorating, we talked about Williamsburg. I think all of the kids are really excited about the roller coasters except one or two kids. I think most of the parents are really excited about their kids and going on the trip. I have a few apprehensive parents that I have had to console a little and reassure that their kiddo will do great.
Saturday before the tour: I received the essays from the kids. They needed some serious direction and help to be specific and be of HS quality, so I called an emergency meeting. On Saturday, we met in my classroom at school to review how to write an academic essay with research paper qualities, and citations. I realized that I should have had this meeting prior to the students finishing their research so that they had a better direction when they started about how to write these essays. Next year, this is one thing that will change for sure.
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