hi you, gosh this time next week you will be on way home you will have to keep your blog up in liverpool it will be like you are in a strange city when you see liverpool 1 as its made such a difference and town is totally not town!!!! have a lovely time enjoy your last few days c u soon xxx
Kate Davis
Hello Helen !
Queenstown looks absolutely amazing ! Didnt realise such places existed in the world ! Its beautiful.I thought I would write on your message board because soon you will be home and I will have no pretty pictures to look at in work ! Cant wait to see you at Christmas I am sure you will have loads of tales to tell and numerous photos just like Kate and Vick when they returned from their travels! Enjoy the rest of your time Helen and keep safe ! see you very soon ! Love Kate xx P.S Becky and Jon say Hi !
Hi All,
Just a quick one, all ok in Franz Josef, have walked to the base of the glacier and do the helihike tomorrow, looking forward to actually getting to the top of it and walking on it!
Vic, congrats, we will have to celebrate when I am home.
See you all soon
Hel x
Hel I want to live in Queenstown!!!!!
Looks like your going to win your bet about the essay.because he's reading this!!!!!
See you soon xxxxxx
Hello there,
WOW you look like your having a ball girlie. All ok here life just hectic as always. Managed to catch up with Jill and Peter and Luce a couple of weeks ago in London of all places but it was good to see them!
Lots to report for a change......best bits (a) I'm now officialy no longer a Mrs YEAH and (b) finally accepted an offer on the house and should be completing in the next couple of weeks YEAH YEAH. So fingers crossed a new year and fresh start for me...how exciting Hel!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy the glacier I'm well jealous.
Can't wait to see you in Dec xxx
hey Pete the reindeer would have real nostrils!!! My advice ask for a scarf!
hey Pete the reindeer would have real nostrils!!! My advice ask for a scarf!
Oh dear... please Hel, don't knit! I know I'm gonna end up with a load of reindeer pullovers for Christmas if she does!!!!
Perhaps she could knit a winter warmer for our new little koala?!?!
katrine i only have one thing to say 'helen knit' !
Kate And Vic!!!
Ha Ha Ha!!
Nicky - that is eactly what we thought! Hel + Pete + Koala Baby!!!
Except we thought they looked like a dodgy photo on the scene of Sons and daughters or Prisoner Cell block H!!! Ha HA!!!
Pics are great H! Can to wait to speak to you! I will try to Skype this weekend if I get chance! Still haven't booked a holiday - we are dithering as we cant afford NYC - its riduculous money!
Will let you know = glad you are feeling better! Enjoy the home comforts! Hello down there in NZ xxxxx K
Hello, sorry I haven't been in touch in a while. I'm glad your still having a great time.
Things have beeen insane here. We have been looking at a house to buy - it smells of dogs and old lady ERGH. Barrie is still negociating them down!
Our current flat is rapidly filling with baby stuff - our baby is going to have a better wardrobe than anyone I know. Poor thing still won't have a nursery though *sniff*
I can't belive you'll be home in 4 or 5 weeks - I'm so excited - you can help me knit stuff, tell me about your travels and roll me from room to room to get cups of tea, ha ha!
Take care chick, and thanks for the updates it's always lovely to hear how your getting on.
P.s I got a new phone but I am still getting failed texts back.
ok so i'm getting the hang of this...read the blog first!! so u left melbourne then! ayre's rock looks fab. Cant believe how much u have achieved. Think ur an inspriation to us all! Cant wait to catch up with u in dec, take care , ness xx