Hel its been ages since i checked in, probs with computer and all that. Very tricky when ur as computer illiterate as me! r u still in melbourne or am i way behind the times? as my cousins live there and i know they'd love to pamper u! let me no asap and i'll get u in touch xxx
Hi you, your photos look ace. I think you and Pete are definitely broody for a koala. I know he's a pharmacist, but that's taking science a bit too far, don't you think? Anyway, have a fabby time in new z. Must go and get my koala, sorry daughter, to bed. Lots of love xx ps Edie says k for kiss and aunty I says hello
Rich, Gail And Crystal!
Hi Hel!
Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. We think of you all the time! Glad to hear you are feeling a lot better now.
Thanks very much for our new family addition! Sammy is getting along great with Bradders (the Komodo Dragon) would you believe! He's sat on his foot! Their reputation is not all it's cracked up to be.
We all love Sammy, thank you!
Glad to hear you are having a fantastic time.
Have a great trip to NZ and look forward to hearing from you again soon!
Lots of love,
Richard, Gail and Crystal
LOL! Sue, you don't know half the story of the tea club... I returned to Wrexham to find I had a 35 quid deficit to the tea club! Believe me, for the first week back my head had a price on it!
Hel, I'm really looking forward to speaking to you, been a few days. You sound as though you've had an amazing time!
Lots love x x
i hope you have put money in the tea club!!!!!remember the trouble you got into last time!!! cakes all round before you leave me thinks mr bradshawe. x
Hi Hel!
I'ts been almost 48 hours since we spoke, so given the fact that we can't speak because you're on some deserted isalnd and I'm missing you, I thought I'd send you a message! I'm sat at my desk in sunny Rhyl (yes, I am bored after my tenth cup of tea of the day!). I'm on call tonight (even though you think I'm working in Sainsbury's)... didn't look at my diary, doh!
Sue, thanks for ketting Vron know when Hel is landing, I said I'd do it before my computer got a virus and was out of action all weekend!
Hope everyone else is OK, lots love
Hi Vron, Hel out of range for a few days so just checked her mini adventure travel plans she will arrive with you on quantas flight QF163 at 13.10 still on sat 25th. today til thursday she is on kangaroo island and then adelaide and then a trip up to alice springs and then to you for 5 weeks. get the roasties in!!!!!
Aunty Ron
Hi Hel, just catching up with your latest adventures. My my you have been busy! I know that you've changed your travel plans but still expect you here on Saturday 25 October. Let me know if anything has changed. Take care xx
oh this gets worse, you can tell im not used to this! i put on a message about Santa cruz before that below but its not shown.... never mind it, see you soon xxx
Hey you, after looking past the first 4 photos it looks like it might be a different sata cruz!! (what an idiot) We'll swap pics of sAN fran instead, we're headed there tomorrow. x
Hi You!
Pictures look amasing!!
I can only find Hotel Ibis but it is still 3km's away from the Airport!
k - off back to Edinburgh for another week!
Your guys looked so happy on Sydney Harbour bridge. I'd be too terrified to smile! Glad to see that Helen is looking better after her lurgies. Take care, Hel, and make the most of the final few weeks.