Great to speak to you today, it doesn't seem as tho you've gone yet with the talking every day!! I'm really pleased you've made it to Washington and met a few good people to enjoy it with. Tonight (and for the next three weeks!) I am drowning in revision, so when I'm learning all about heart failure, you'll be touring the East Coast... is there no justice in this world?!?!? I'm looking for foreign places where they're poaching for Pharmacists, so don't think you're stopping long in UK on return!! Only kidding (or am I?!?) LOL. And as for Vicky: I will try to pack as light as possible for the Oz trip as I'll need room for all MY pressies, not clothes for Hel!
Hel was telling me today the size of the RVs they have in the campsite towing cars! She really shouldn't have left me in charge of the Oz arrangements... oops, do I need to cancel the 7.5 tonner I've got on order?! After roughing it in a few hostels here and there, leave Oz to me... now where's my brochure covering Butlins in Australia??!!!
The pics are great, the road ahead is a really exciting one...
Thinking of you always and lving you lots
hi helen-its Amy from no.20 across the road
wow -i would so luv 2 be u-sounds amazing-its my dream
keep updating hope u have an amazing time amy x x
It looks like your having an awesome time, the weather looks that Elmo picture. It still hasn't really sunk in your the other side of the planet! No news so far we are going to spend the afternoon watching TV and eating reduced apple turnovers from Asda, we are so rock and roll! Take care and I will write soon. Kx
hi photos look great have a great day good luck on your trip have fun love you lots mum. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope your ok girlie. You look mighty fine jumping round on that piano in the toy shop. Ya BIG kid ya!
NYC tips:
1. Try to go up the empire state building in the evening its lovely to see all the lights etc.
2. I know you have the bag of DDOOOOMMMMMMMM but if you get the chance go to Century 21 I got lots of clobber from there. You can alwyas post it back or give it to Pete to bring back! Pete best bring a huge bag to OZ ha ha
Well keep the travel tales coming.
Lots of love Vic x
p.s. Can your mum call me and give me all the goss too??????
hi hel have sent you an email hope you had a lovely day phone me if you get the chance lots of gos. mumx
Hey there matey, glad your travels have started well...sounds like you are having a blast in NYC....make sure you take in a show - WICKED is brilliant, Allison x x x
hello princess, glad your feelig ok i can use these IT skills as part of my itq course just taught your dad to use the message board as you might guess been here for 3 hours! have a lovely day exploring. love you loads keep safe. mum. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Helen hope you are feeling less homesick now & have settled into the hostel.I felt the same when I first went to sea,it wears off.Go & enjoy the big apple.Take care lots of Dad.
Hi Hel
Lovely to hear from you. Arrived safe and sound then enjoy your time on your travels. Take care . Debs (train buddy)
Hey my lovely!
I have just checked and your flight landed 45 mins ago in NYC! I guess you're currently in the middle of trying to figure out the dodgy public transport eh?!
Wanted to be te first to write on your blog. Enjoy every minute of this experience whlst you have the chance.