So first thing, sorry its been a while but internet connections and working computers have hindered us some what. Met up with mat and gemma, great people who have kept us entertained on a daily basis since we last spoke, (They are the couple we met on the night bus) The four of us met quite randomly in hoi an on Hevs birthday (Photos to follow, internet still to slow), which was great we were staying in different parts of town, them in a rather nice hotel with pool, us in faulty towers (ooh how pictures on the internet can lie!!) The building was lime green do i need to say anymore?? Well im gona the rooms promised views of either paddy fields or the pool, so when the girl double timed it into our room and drew the curtains we knew our view would be less than spectacular, bike sheds and a chicken hutch!
The hotel is at the end of the day just a bed and its the people who make the place, we were lucky to meet six aussies who had enough of a sence of humour to tollerate us for a heavy night of drinking and a lot of ribbing from all quaters, on the return to the hotel, with its 24hour securiy, check in and reception, i had to use my commando ninja skills to scale the fence and wake the gaurd to let the rest of the gang in, instant legend status!!
Mat and gemma didn't fancy another night bus so they jumped the train to da nang and down to Na trang, hev and i are either made of sterner stuff or just tight(yes we know which one it is as well) with goodbyes exchanged and promises to try to meet up, we felt sure we would not saddly see mat and gemma again.
The first night bus was harrowing for hev as we were not able to sit any where near each other, the bus to Na trang was different, again faced with the choice of sitting in front of me in her own space or, crawling under the back five bed sleeping area which makes the cu chi tunnels look palacial, hev opted to sit next to me and three complete strangers, which worked out well, as the driver slung a hammock between the isles(photos to follow) which almost caused a riot at the back of the bus, smugg but entombed we slept untill the bus stopped in Na trang, at our hotel!! This caused problems all the white faces were told to get off as it was the end of the line, no locals got off therfore the bus must be going some where else, lots of tired comfused and upset white faces refussed to get off! The lady from our hotel then explained this was the only drop off in Na trang town and the locals lived on the edge of town, six k away, all the upset white faces got off at 04.40 and truged off to find hotels, oh An phu you upset alot of custmers that night!!
With a couple of hours sleep in the hotel and a free breakfast we set of for the beach, a five minute walk and we had sand between our toes, not from the beach but all the building work for the new sewer system, what is it with sewer works and us, well it was no where near as bad as india! Two minutes latter we were strolling down the beach looking for a place to eat and drink, 3k later a couple were frantically waving at us, as we were pondering where mat and gemma might be at, small world.
The next couple of hours were spent relaxing on a beach, swimming in the sea, being slamed onto the sand and dragged back along shore, dont try to body surf in the breakers it hurts, i still have the scars to prove it!!
While we're on warnings, baz lurman had it down to a tee"Always wear sunscreen" being a lobster aint fun (photos to follow).
I spent the next day hidding from the sun under a brolly, with all the sympathy i deserved, less than twenty four hours early i asked "what kind of idiot needs to be repatrieated for sunburn??" Me!! The next couple of days were spent hidding during the day and drinking buckets of cocktails by night, bliss.
We did venture out to the mud spa for skin traetment, It was cooling and relaxing but more impressively i floated. After treatments and hot baths and high power jet hoses we had all had enough of water, and called it a day in favour of going for food. Mat and I chose eel (whenin rome...) something I wont be trying again in a hurry, the backbone just grossed me out!
So once again we have said our goodbyes to matt and gemma, they have headed for Dalat and we are now in Mui ne, which is windy!! Well what else would you expect from vietnams capital for kite surfing??
Till next time, be safe, love each other and peace out!
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