Hola, I am now back in Quito after a scary bus ride back along the Pan-American highway!!!
Otavello was brilliant and it was really good bartering with the stallholders (Kerry enjoyed bartering the most and is better at numbers than me!)
I have just had an unusal encounter with some Ecuadorians. Outside the hostal where I was joking with the night porter, a lady and 2 kids came up to me. It turns out they are from a school about a mile away. They are learning English and they wanted to hear me speak. They asked me around 20 questions in English and I replied from an English point of view. Questions were about pollution, aids, drugs, animals etc (all the things that schools normally teach). After being recorded on a dictaphone for about 20 minutes I went bright red and was deeply embarrassed to be standing in the middle of the street talking to a funny little machine!
The teacher the kids were with have now invited me and Kerry (Ive only just told her!) to their school so we can speak in front of the children and explain more about England. I think we will go and do this because not many people here get the chance to see what its like for the kids. I do have a feeling it is a private school (even though you can still be borderline poverty and still seem to get a place - not like England where their noses are in the bloody clouds!)
Right, tonight I think we will be heading to the square (gringo land - a bit like Riverside) for tea followed by a couple of glasses of champange and orange juice (or in Kerry?s case half a bottle of Absolute vodka!).
Buenos Noches!
P.S. I am still struggling with the Spanish Computer Keyboard so ignore any spelling mistakes or gramatical errors!
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